Chasing Love
    On a totally different level, her “no penetration” clause was even more enthralling. What better seduction tactic for either of them to know there was a point to which they both must stop? Christiana would feel safe, knowing that they could do anything except technically have sex, and he could try to rise to the challenge.
    According to her rule of no penetration, he would play the gentleman and adhere to it. Yet he knew himself, and her, well enough to know that eventually their passionate play would come to a peak. He snickered at the thought.
    Having Christiana beg him to fuck her senseless was a particularly pleasant fantasy he had been indulging in for more months than he cared to admit. And if she did plead such to him, he would be more than happy to make her eat her “no penetration” clause, and give them both the satisfaction they craved.
    He tried to suppress his chuckle. Oh yeah, he couldn’t have planned it better himself. The added bonus of having Christiana feel as if she were in control was just gravy. She was always that much more mischievous and daring when she felt in control of a situation, had been like that since she was two or three years old and determined to rule the world.
    “What are you grinning at?”
    Edward paused, realizing he had been grinning like a maniac the last few minutes over his devilish thoughts. Christiana, obviously seeing his joy and interest in her challenge, had halted a few paces behind.
    “Just thinking, Christi-girl. So where is the one place on this campus you’ve fantasized about seducing some poor unsuspecting man?”
    For a long moment, she simply stared at him. Edward worried she was about to back down, call off their deal. She cocked her head in the same manner when thinking as she had since she was a child. Edward relaxed. She was just mulling over everything, scheming in her own manner.
    He smiled. He welcomed her pitting her will against his own. They had both been butting heads for years. Being both stubborn and pigheaded had its down sides. It meant they often became too involved in their games of chess and competitions. Why not carry it over into their sexual games? It added life and fun and that little something that was uniquely theirs.
    Instead of answering, Christiana took his hand and began to lead him off into a shadowy section of the gardens where large trees had been planted. Edward rolled his eyes, certain she couldn’t see him. Trust his Christi not to answer him, but show him!
    Playing along for the moment—his turn to take the lead would come soon enough—he let her lead him into the lightly wooded section of the grounds. It was nothing compared to their grounds at home but, in a pinch, it would do. The air was scented with pine and fir, smells that reminded him of his home. Like a flash of light, he realized this was Christiana’s special place—special in more than just a sexual fantasy place. It was where she came when she felt homesick.
    In that instant, Edward made a resolution. No matter how out-of-control everything became, he would make this fantasy of hers special and memorable. If she wanted to be in control, he gritted his teeth in suppressed desire, then he would let her stay in control.
    Even if it killed him.

Chapter Ten
    Christiana looked around the parkland. She would never admit it but this area had helped save her sanity on more than one occasion. In those first few months, when she was more homesick than she cared to remember, when the ache of not being near her forest, her parents and large family burned like a hole in her chest, she had come here.
    It was nothing compared to her forest at home—but then nowhere could replace her forest in her heart. Sure, she might be the great-big leader of the Pack one day but, just like her mom was strong enough to stand by her father and help him, so too had she always desired a friend and True Mate strong enough to let her lead.
    A part of her mind had always known

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