Chevonne: Bride of Oklahoma (American Mail-Order Bride 46)
forward with the plan. But one thing was for sure, she was going to keep a close eye on her new husband, with one eye out for Phinneas Gulch.
    And she was going to take her grandmother’s oft-spoken words to heart: trust no one but yourself.

    T rey noticed a marked change in Chevonne as soon as she set eyes on Phinneas Gulch. Did she know him? It sure seemed that way. Why, the mere sight of him seemed to have her so rattled that she was now practically running away from him.
    But how could she possibly know the man?
    He knew Phinneas was the kind of man that would sell his own mother for a nickel. Gulch was the kind of man that would rather steal someone else’s hard work than do any of his own. He knew this for a fact because Phinneas Gulch had already done just that. He’d stolen his cousin’s formula for an herbal treatment for rheumatism and bottled it himself.
    Trey had even heard rumors that Phinneas had tried to steal ideas for a few inventions from a man in Nebraska by applying for a patent before the inventor himself could apply.
    Was Phinneas in town because he’d gotten wind of Trey’s work on his new invention?
    He frowned down at his new wife. Her face was all hard lines as she steamed toward the buggy with grim determination. Suddenly the warm feelings toward Chevonne that had started to blossom dissolved into dust.
    It had been so easy to act like a happy couple at dinner. Heck, he’d felt like a happy couple. And he had to admit he’d had feelings about her that he’d never felt when his mother had foisted Sarah on him. Chevonne was different. She was smart, funny and disturbingly beautiful.
    He couldn’t let that sidetrack him when he had an important business idea to follow through on.
    The coincidence of Phinneas Gulch showing up in town just a day after Chevonne had arrived bothered him. And the way she was acting was suspicious.
    Was it possible Phinneas had sent Chevonne here on purpose to spy on him?
    He thought back to when he’d received Chevonne’s letter in answer to his advertisement for a mail-order bride. He hadn’t really cared who answered the ad and she had appeared sufficient. Actually, if he was being honest, she’d seemed miles better than the other women who’d answered his advertisement. The two of them had exchanged several entertaining letters but he’d done nothing to check into her. He hadn’t seen the need. It had just felt right.
    Was it possible everything she’d written about herself was a lie, and Phinneas had somehow arranged the marriage from the start? No, that was just silly. But she sure was a good actress.
    It was probably just his suspicious nature running away with him. One thing was certain, though, he would not be confiding in her about what was going on in his study. If there was one thing Trey Garner had learned in life, it was to trust no one but himself.

Chapter 7
    T he next morning , Chevonne came downstairs to find Trey in the hall that led to his study. “Good morning,” she said.
    He nodded. “Mornin’. I trust you slept well.”
    Chevonne’s eyes narrowed with suspicion. Why did it seem like he was blocking the hallway? It was as if he thought she’d want to go that way. Or was he standing there like that because he was just set to go upstairs to spy on her and she’d surprised him by coming down? “I did sleep well. And you?”
    “Very good.”
    A few seconds passed. It was like a Mexican standoff. They stood there eying each other.
    Finally Chevonne said, “I was going to bake the breakfast rolls I have rising. Are you hungry?”
    “Oh. You were on your way to the kitchen?” He smiled. “Yes, I’m hungry.”
    “Good.” Chevonne led the way to the kitchen. She was half afraid he would take the opportunity to run upstairs and rummage through her room while she was cooking, but to her relief, he followed her. Even if he had headed to her room, he would have been disappointed. It was locked up tight and she had the key

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