Child of the Mist

Child of the Mist by Kathleen Morgan Page A

Book: Child of the Mist by Kathleen Morgan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathleen Morgan
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Historical, Christian
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of the tall, dark-haired warrior, who strode over to stand before her.
    "Lass," Niall's deep voice rumbled, "allow me to introduce another o' my cousins, Iain Campbell. Iain, this is Anne MacGregor."
    At the mention of her name, the equally tall, darkly golden-haired man jerked his admiring gaze from her to Niall. "Anne?"
    "Aye," he replied tersely. "Pay your respects."
    Iain, who looked to be several years younger than Niall, looked back at Anne. He accepted her proffered hand. A pair of intensely blue eyes studied her for a moment, then his head bowed to kiss her hand.
    "'Tis my greatest pleasure to make your acquaintance, ma'am. You are truly one o' the most lovely women I've ever laid eyes upon."
    "And you are as gallant as any court gentleman to say so," Anne murmured stiffly. "I hope we can be friends."
    A reckless grin split Iain's handsome face. "I'd have liked to be more than friends,' if Niall hadn't claimed you first. But fate being what 'tis, I suppose I'll be pleased to settle for a friendship."
    At his blunt, forthright manner, Anne couldn't help but smile. Here was one Campbell, at least, who seemed willing to accept her. Perhaps there was hope.
    Niall cleared his throat. "Now that my cousin is finished charming this gathering, let us get on with the handfasting. We've several hours' journey ahead and I wish to be home before dark."
    Iain merely quirked an amused eyebrow, but Anne, irritated by his rudeness,' shot him an icy glance. "Aye, by all means. I've no wish to deter you from more important matters."
    He opened his mouth to snap something back at her, then thought better of it. It isn't her fault, he reminded himself for the tenth time. Be gentle. It's even worse for her than for you .
    Niall addressed the MacGregor. "The ceremony, if you please."
    Alastair's gaze skittered anxiously from his daughter to Niall. Let this go smoothly, he prayed, or all will be lost . He opened the small book he held and, after a prolonged bout of throat clearing, began to read.
    "There are those in our midst who seek the bond o' handfasting. Let them be named and brought before us." He raised his eyes to Anne and Niall. "Take each other's hand and step forward."
    A large, heavily calloused palm extended toward Anne. After a moment's hesitation, she placed her trembling hand in Niall's. There was a momentary squeeze, as if he were trying to reassure her. Then, as one, they moved to stand before the MacGregor. Out of the corner of her eye, Anne saw Iain take his place beside his cousin.
    Alastair directed his gaze to Niall. "Repeat after me. I, Niall Campbell, do come here o' my own free will, to seek the partnership o' Anne MacGregor. I come with all love, honor"
    "I'm not a hypocrite, MacGregor!" Niall interrupted him harshly. "Leave love out o' this or I'll not make the vows."
    "A-as you wish," the older man stammered, unnerved by the vehemence in Niall's voice. "I meant no offense. 'Tis the customary rite."
    "And I don't give a damn what the custom is!" Niall hissed through clenched teeth. "Now, get on with it!"
    "II come with all . . . honor and sincerity, wishing only to become one with her whom I lovhonor."
    He paused as Niall repeated the words. "Always," Alastair then continued, "will I strive for Anne's happiness and welfare. Her life will I defend before my own. All this I swear. May I find the strength to keep my vows.
    Niall spoke the words after him. Then Alastair turned to Anne, guiding her in her pledge. Once she'd finished, he withdrew two rings from his pocket. Of plain gold workings, the pair gleamed with the patina of age and loving use.
    "These were your mother's and mine." His eyes misted with memories as he smiled down at his daughter. "There wasn't time to fashion new ones for the ceremony. I'd be pleased if you'd wear your mother's."
    ''Aye, Father," Anne whispered, tears of bittersweet joy welling in her eyes. "'Twould please me, too."
    He handed the ring to Niall. "Place it upon her

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