Chosen Alien Bride (Sci Fi Alien Romance)
sipping the steaming beverage. “Okay,” she said, sitting down on the couch and looking at the two men each in turn. “If you’re aliens, prove it. Also, you haven’t shown me any proof you’re doing experiments of any kind.”
    Bronn laughed—the sound was odd, more like coughing. “If we can prove we’re aliens, why would you doubt our interest in experimentation?”
    Giselle opened her mouth to retort—and then realized that if the two men could, in fact, prove that they were aliens, it would be difficult to imagine them being on the same planet as her for any other reason than research of some kind.
    “Okay, so prove you’re aliens,” she said, setting her coffee down and crossing her arms over her chest.
    Lenth stood, and Giselle felt a frisson of apprehension. He picked up a large cloth and began wiping away at his face and arms. At the same time, Bronn stood and began rubbing at his eyes, doing something to them that Giselle couldn’t quite comprehend. As Lenth scrubbed at his skin, the brown-gray coloring disappeared, revealing purple-gray skin underneath, with no visible body hair—not even the eyebrows she had seen.
    Slowly, the human-like facades that the two men had borne dissolved away, revealing what were unmistakably non-human creatures. The two individuals in front of Giselle had brilliant dark blue eyes flecked with slowly whirling specks of gold, gray-purple skin, and lean muscles underneath their skin that looked subtly different from human configurations. She took a deep breath and exhaled, absorbing the new shock. “Okay,” she said slowly, more out of the need to say something than out of certainty of what she was seeing. “Okay. So you’re definitely not regular old humans.”
    Bronn laughed. “I’m sure you can understand,” he said, giving her what looked like a sympathetic look with his unearthly eyes, “we have to remain as secretive as possible; few humans know of what we are, what we’re doing—even the fact that we’re here.”
    Lenth continued, “This place is Bronn’s research facility; I have one also.”
    “So…” Giselle looked at her cup of coffee and picked it up, draining half of its contents. “So, you’re aliens, and you’re trying to find out if you can use human women to create some kind of… human-alien hybrid?”
    Both alien men nodded. “We’ve studied human sexuality extensively from afar to attempt to understand; our colleagues have made many reports, and now Lenth and I are…” Bronn frowned, groping for the words. “I think you say it as ‘in hot water?’ ” Giselle nodded. “Because we have not found recruits for our own studies.”
    “So you both want to…study…me.”
    “Yes,” Lenth said. “We can promise that we will not do anything to attempt to hurt you. If you are injured, we can make sure that you are repaired as quickly as possible.”
    “Like a sex doll?” Giselle asked, blushing bright red at the impersonal way the man had said ‘repaired.’
    “Treated,” Bronn corrected his friend. “We understand from previous reports that human women are much…smaller inside than the females of our species.” His shoulders moved in a gesture that approximated a shrug. “We know more than our colleagues—because they have already made mistakes that we will be able to avoid.”
    Giselle opened her mouth, closed it again. “So how is this going to work?” she asked.
    Bronn’s lips twisted in what looked like a smile. “We understand from our research that some human females enjoy reproduction with two males at once,” Bronn said cautiously.
    “You’re seriously propositioning me for a threesome.” Giselle made the question almost a statement, staring at the two aliens.
    “Yes,” Lenth said. “Of course, it would also be good to experiment on you separately, if you are comfortable with that.”
    Giselle took a deep breath and exhaled it sharply. “I’ve never actually been in a threesome,” she said, licking

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