Christmas in Whitehorn
medical condition."
    "What about you getting pregnant?"
    "It's unlikely. Our timing was fairly safe."
    His green eyes seemed to see through her. "Fairly safe isn't a sure thing. You'll let me know if…"
    "You'll be the second to know."
    "Are you sorry?"
    He towered over her – a strong, powerful man. She supposed she should have been afraid, but after last night she knew he was tender and caring. He'd made love to her as if her pleasure had mattered more than his own. It had been an enlightening experience. Now, this morning, she found herself wanting to do it all again, only more slowly.
    "No," she said quietly. "I'm a little shocked by our behavior, but I don't regret it."
    "I agree."
    She wanted to know more. She wanted him to tell her that he found her sexy and irresistible, that he liked her as much as he wanted her. She also wanted to win a couple million dollars in the next two weeks.
    "Where do we go from here?" he asked.
    The question surprised her. For a single heartbeat, she thought about blurting out the truth. That she was lonely and desperately wanted someone in her life. Someone who would care about her and maybe even grow to love her. Someone who wouldn't mind about Dirk. Someone … but not Mark. Her luck wasn't that good.
    "I have to take a shower," she said. "I'm due at work in less than an hour. Maybe we could table this discussion until later?"
    "Okay." He made no move to leave. "I could help."
    "With what?"
    He moved closer, then cupped her face and slowly kissed her. The tender touch of his mouth on hers made her legs buckle. She had to grab on to him to stay standing. Heat from his body seemed to surround her own, drawing her in, weaving a spell she couldn't resist.
    "With your shower," he murmured. "You know, scrub your back."
    "It's just about sex," she said, talking more to herself than him.
    "Is that bad?" He reached into his sweats pocket and pulled out a small packet. "I remembered protection this time."
    She tried to be outraged that he had arrived at her house with the intention of having sex with her. But before she could muster the words, he was backing her toward her bedroom. Somehow her robe had opened and he was touching her breasts. The feel of his hands on her curves dissolved her fragile indignation, not to mention short-circuiting her self-control. Darn the man. She would give him a piece of her mind, just as soon as they finished making love.
    Light spilled from the bathroom, allowing her to see him as he paused in the doorway of her bedroom. He tugged off her robe. She tossed it away. He pulled off his sweatshirt, then kicked off his athletic shoes before stepping out of his sweats. He was naked underneath.
    She saw the muscles rippling in his broad chest, the scar on his left side. As much as she wanted to explore the angry, red marks, she was more interested in his jutting arousal. When she started kissing him, she slipped her hand down his side, then around in front until she could touch him.
    He pulsed against her questing fingers. So hard and ready. She felt a clenching deep inside herself at the thought of him filling her.
    "Shower," he said against her mouth, kissing her and guiding her backward at the same time.
    He drew her nightgown over her head and tossed it to the ground. Her panties quickly followed. She heard the rush of water but barely paid attention because now he was slipping his fingers between her legs and touching her in that special way of his. By the time they stepped under the steamy stray, she was nearly ready to climax.
    He lathered her all over, paying particular attention to her breasts. He teased her nipples until she was panting. She responded by grabbing the soap and rubbing him all over. When she slipped her hands between his legs, he groaned. They washed each other's hair, letting the soapy water pour off them as they kissed.
    Mark reached for the condom he'd left on the vanity, then slipped it on. Darcy glanced doubtfully around at the tub.

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