Christmas Nights

Christmas Nights by Penny Jordan

Book: Christmas Nights by Penny Jordan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Penny Jordan
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    ‘I shall speak to these men myself,’ he told the Count.
    ‘And I shall come with you,’ Ionanthe told them both firmly.
    Max looked at her. Her announcement and her determination were very different from the reaction he had expected, knowing from experience what the reaction of both her sister and her grandfather would have been. Hewould have pursued the subject, to satisfy what he admitted was his growing curiosity about the differences he was observing between his late wife and the sister who had taken her place, but this was not the time for that.
    ‘Sire, I would urge you not to risk either your own safety or that of Her Highness,’ the Count was warning. ‘Far better to allow the authorities to deal with the situation.’
    Max listened to him, and then pointed out coolly, ‘I disagree with you, Count. In fact I believe that it is time that all the people of Fortenegro recognised that
am this island’s final authority, and that
word is law.’
    With a brisk nod of his head, and without waiting to see what the Count’s reaction was to his none-too-subtle challenge to the older man’s determination to hold on to the power he had made on his own, Max strode towards the main doors to the castle.
    ‘Open the doors,’ he told the waiting guards firmly.
    Was he going to order that those who were loyal to her family be punished? Ionanthe worried as she half ran to catch up with him.
    ‘The Count is right when he says that you should not be exposed to danger,’ Max told her.
    ‘I am coming with you,’ Ionanthe repeated, raising her voice so that he could hear it above the noise pouring in through the now open doors from the square below.
    Somehow or other, without the need of heralds or trumpets, the crowd seemed to sense their presence, even though Max had descended the steps in silence. The words ‘the Prince’ seemed to pass from one person to another, to become a hush that gathered in force and intensityuntil the whole square was silently expectant. A shiver ran through Ionanthe as she felt the ancient power of the people’s belief in and dependence on their ruler.
    On the other side of the square the lights on the walls clearly illuminated the ceremonial uniforms of the Royal Guard, highlighting the disparity between their richness and the poverty of the small group of men they had herded into a corner and were keeping captive.
Her people
. A huge lump formed in Ionanthe’s throat and her eyes stung with tears of mingled pity and pride for the men who had been brave enough and foolish enough to want to protect her.
    Without thinking, she turned to Max and hissed fiercely, ‘You must not hurt them.’
    From deep within her memory she heard an echo of Cosmo as a young boy, saying savagely to her in the middle of a childhood quarrel, ‘
cannot tell me to do anything. I am Fortenegro’s ruler. No one can tell me what to do, and those who try have to be punished.’
    Max was ignoring her, and instead was striding towards the captives and their captors. The mass of people in the square parted before him.
    When he reached the guards, Max demanded, ‘What is going on here?’
    ‘We have arrested these troublemakers, sire,’ the most senior of the guards told him.
    ‘You have forced our Duchess to marry you under duress. It is our duty to protect her and her honour,’ one of the men under guard shouted.
    Immediately someone in the crowd who had heard him yelled out, ‘Listen to how the traitor speaks of ourPrince and the honour of a family that has no right to any honour. His words are an insult to His Highness.’
    Despite herself, Ionanthe shivered as she saw the speed with which anger burned its way through the crowd.
    Max saw the colour leave Ionanthe’s face, and without being able to reason why he should want to do so he reached for her hand, holding it within his own and giving it a comforting squeeze.
    Any prideful attempt she might have wanted to make to pull away was demolished

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