Claimed By The Military Bear: BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance Standalone (Paranormal Shifter Romance, BBW Shifter Romance, WereBear Romance)

Claimed By The Military Bear: BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance Standalone (Paranormal Shifter Romance, BBW Shifter Romance, WereBear Romance) by Alicia Wild

Book: Claimed By The Military Bear: BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance Standalone (Paranormal Shifter Romance, BBW Shifter Romance, WereBear Romance) by Alicia Wild Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alicia Wild
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the man her step-fathered had bargained for her life. His body was dressed in sleek clothes, designed to deal with nature with comfort. He stared down at her, black eyes honing on her like a wolf that found easy prey.
    “I hadn’t expected to find you so soon, Miss.”
    Another snap and Melissa whirled her head in the other direction, feeling horror and panic shut her throat in fear.
    “You little bitch ,” her step-father growled lowly.
    Gray hair hanging over his eyes and fingers clenching over a used machete. He looked frighteningly livid.
    “Have you any idea what your little absence has caused?”
    He turned his eyes away, meeting the other man’s starving gaze with a nod.
    “Grab her. We’re heading back.”
    “No…” Melissa stammered, hysterical.
    “No, no, no, no no… please, don’t,” She tried to scramble away, but her foot caught against the rock that hurt her and she fell back over the earth, her sheet falling open to expose her.
    The taller man—the buyer—let out a whistle of appreciation.
    “You looked good enough to eat.”
    “Stay away from me!” Melissa cried, hands fumbling to gather the sheet and to pull her away.
    Instead, she felt something grab to her hair and yank, she let out a shriek of pain.
    “Who the hell did this to you, eh?” her step-father snarled.
    “You better not be sullied or so help me god, I’ll beat you until you’re useless!”
    “Please, please just let me go!” Melissa begged, tears crashing down her eyes as she tried to fight back, but the fear was too much. “
    Let me go, please!” Something struck her face, whipping her head hard to the side and causing her whiplash.
    “I didn’t come all this way after weeks of searching for your pathetic ass to let you go here.”
    She heard, and she gasped, trying to right her mind. The blow had shocked her, stunned her into a twist of pain.
    “N-no,” she moaned lowly before she felt hands grip under her waist and hoist her up.
    “She’s heavy, I’ll tell you.”
    She heard the buyer huff, sounding amused.
    “We’ll be sure to fix that.”
    Melissa tried to blink, and found her voice right as she saw her step-father pull a black cover from his pocket. He advanced towards her, yanking her head into the fabric and obscuring her vision.
    A violent shriek ripped through her chest and out her mouth as the black surrounded her.
    Melissa thrashed, throwing her fists and feet in clumsy punches and kicks. She felt her shin connect with something, heard a grunt of pain, before she felt something grab hard against her arm, felt another blow connect with her stomach.
    She collapsed to her knees, the air gone from her lungs.
    She remembered falling to the ground before hearing something in the distance—it was her name.
    “Melissa!” She heard.
    She lifted a hand, weak with effort, to pull at the black fabric.
    “Who the hell are you?!” The sound of flesh striking flesh followed by someone falling made her nearly panic.
    Melissa yanked the black fabric from over her head, wide eyes searching frantically.
    She saw Barrett, dressed in cargo pants and wielding a machete, on the ground was the buyer, groaning. Her joy was short-lived when she saw her step-father lunge towards him, and she screamed.
    Instead Barrett swung to the side, slamming his blade against his opponent’s with a sharp clang.
    “So, you were the reason why that girl was gone?” Her stepfather grunted.
    “What gives you the right to take another man’s property?”
    Barrett snarled, teeth baring viciously, “Who are you?”
    “Oren Beckett,” the older man huffed. “I’m the girl’s father.”
    “Step-father,” Melissa wheezed, trying to find a way to stand.
    “Are you alright?” Barrett asked her, eyes never moving from Oren.
    “I’m okay…” She groaned, feeling tears of pain blind her.
    Barrett flashed her a look before something wild and brutal took over his face. He turned that look on

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