Claiming His Need
muscle, and deadly confidence, he watched me with an intensity that made me whimper. Everything about him spoke of power and strength—the thickness of his neck, the deep curve of his shoulders, the roundness of his haunches. He was a wolf to respect, one who looked as if he could easily win any challenge thrown his way.  
    Without warning, a shaggy gray wolf sprang from the tree line, aiming for my mate. Gates pivoted, nearly too quick to see. Teeth bared and bodies tumbling, the two wolves wrestled amidst the brush. The air filled with the sounds of the fight—barks and yips, the breaking of branches and twigs, the thump of one or the other hitting the ground after being thrown off balance. The sight had my heart racing as I realized the danger my mate was in.  
    When blood bloomed along the bottom of Gates’ throat from a well-placed kick, I nearly lost control. My first instinct was to run into the fray, to save my mate. I took a step down the embankment, but Pup jumped in my way. I growled at him as he nipped in my direction, telling me to stay put. I stood my ground, my body shaking with the effort.
    My mate was strong and fast. He dodged and lunged, staying one step ahead of the other wolf. The lucky shot to the neck was the only one the gray wolf accomplished, for not long after, Gates had the beast pinned with his jaws wrapped around the offender’s throat. Blood poured from the gray wolf, and the animal stilled on the ground, signaling an end to the fight.  
    A tiny whimper left my lips as I watched the nomad die. Gates looked my way at the sound. It was only a moment, a minor glance between two beings, but it was enough to strengthen my need to be by his side. The mating bond called to me, demanded I join my chosen one. But before I could run down the hill as I wanted, Pup once again stood in front of me, blocking my way. He used his body to push me over the hilltop, away from Gates, away from where I truly wanted to be.  
    I fought as he continued to herd me farther and farther from my mate. Biting, growling, shoving against him did nothing to alter his course, but I continued. It wasn’t until I heard someone call my name that I was able to think of anything other than racing down the hill to stand at my mate’s side.
    “Kaija, you’re hurting him. Please stop!”
    Lanie stood in front of me, Sandman wrapped partially around her to keep his body between hers and mine. As I growled at them, the metallic taste of blood registered on my tongue.
    Oh no.
    I shifted into my human form immediately, rushing to where Pup sat, also in human form. Blood trailed down the side of his face, and scratches littered his arms. All from my teeth and my claws.  
    “I am so sorry,” I whispered, reaching out to brush my fingers over one particularly bad mark. He jerked away and my heart fell. I hadn’t thought about whom I was fighting. I’d reacted to the need to get to my mate. I would have chewed through rock if I’d had to, but I hadn’t intended on hurting the shifter assigned to protect me.
    “You okay, Pup?” Sandman asked.
    Pup looked up, his cheeks darkening as his pale green eyes met mine. There was no anger there, only wariness and perhaps a tiny bit of something that looked like respect.  
    “I’m good, man. Nothing that won’t heal by tomorrow.” His eyes returned to mine, staring hard. “I think we underestimated you, princess.”  
    “Anyone have a cloak for her?” Sandman yelled.  
    Pup snorted. “Yeah, before Gates comes up here and kills us all.” He stood slowly, obviously in pain.  
    “I really am so—”
    My head spun toward my father’s voice. He raced around a stand of trees to my left. I hurried into his arms, almost in tears from the stress and the fight and the relief and the mating. It was all so much.
    “Daddy, I hurt him.”
    “Hurt who, baby?” He pulled me into a tight hug. Someone placed a cloak around my shoulders, covering me. My father adjusted

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V 02 - Domino Men, The
