Claiming His Wife (Unlikely Love)

Claiming His Wife (Unlikely Love) by Sam Crescent

Book: Claiming His Wife (Unlikely Love) by Sam Crescent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sam Crescent
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    “Are you even hearing yourself? I’m married to Tony, and I wouldn’t leave him for you.” Coming to her parents’ was a huge mistake. The moment she left she would never return. From this day forward she wouldn’t depend on anyone but herself. She cut off her other thoughts about Tony. The only person she would want to be held by was the one man who didn’t want anything to do with her.
    “But the arrangements have already been made.” His hands landed on her shoulder and pushed her back down into the chair.
    She closed her eyes and prayed for herself to wake up at home in her own bed. When she opened her eyes, she wanted to scream and cry out. The unfairness of her predicament was killing her.
    “You will be mine, Opal,” Charles said as he leaned down, his face right next to hers.
    There was some commotion outside. Shouting, slamming, and then the door to the study was thrown open. She turned, and never had she been so grateful to see Tony before. He stood in the doorway looking every inch of the menacing man he was.
    “Step the fuck away from my wife,” he growled.
    Goosebumps erupted along her skin. The possessive way he stared at her and turned his anger on Charles. With Tony here, she would be safe. At least she would be safe from everyone that wasn’t him.
    “Excuse me, but this is a private conversation,” Charles said. He didn’t pull away from her body.
    “There is no reason for you to be talking to my wife. Step the fuck back from her.”
    Charles stood. He ran his hands down his suit jacket. “Do you really want to fight for her, or do you use your fists to keep her in place?”
    Opal jumped at the opportunity to be away from him. She got up and walked to Tony’s side. His gaze remained fixed on Charles. Placing a hand on his shoulder, she got his attention.
    “What?” he asked.
    “Let’s go. Coming here was a mistake,” she said.
    “Go and get in the car. I won’t be a moment.”
    Opal stared at him. She knew what would happen if she left him. “He’s not worth it.”
    “I said go and get in the car. Don’t question me on this, Opal.”
    Why did men always tell her what to do? Shaking her head, she moved past him, through the door to the front door.
    “If you step out of this house, don’t even think about coming back,” her mother called. Opal stopped with her hand over the door knob. This was her childhood home. A place she at once loved and hated with the same amount of passion.
    Turning round she stared at her parents, the two people she’d hoped would come to love her for who she was. “This has never been my home. Only a prison.” She opened the door with a sigh and walked out. No longer would she look back. Only moving forward.
    Tony waited until he heard the front door close behind her. He had no desire to fight this bastard, but he would if he ever laid a finger on his woman again.
    “You always chose the bad moments to interrupt. Can I get you a drink?” Charles asked.
    “No,” Tony said.
    He watched as the other man filled a glass to the top and began to take huge gulps out of it. Seeing the way his father was on alcohol, he tried to keep himself under control. Whenever he wanted to lose control, he did so away from everyone. No way would his downfall into drinking affect anyone but himself.
    “So how much will it take to give Opal up?” Charles asked him.
    “She’s not for sale.” He wouldn’t give his woman to this fucker if he was down to his last dime.
    “Everyone has a price. What’s yours?”
    “Opal. Is. Not. For. Sale ,” he said each word slowly.
    “She will be mine. After all , you’ve got Rita Brooke. Surely she’s more in your league than an innocent like Opal.”
    He’d had enough. Tony knocked the glass out of the guy’s hand and slammed him up against the nearest wall. “You come near her, and I’ll make sure you’ll never father children again. I mean it.” To add to his threat he threw a punch at his face

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