Clarissa Harlowe: Or, the History of a Young Lady, Volume 8

Clarissa Harlowe: Or, the History of a Young Lady, Volume 8 by Samuel Richardson Page B

Book: Clarissa Harlowe: Or, the History of a Young Lady, Volume 8 by Samuel Richardson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samuel Richardson
Tags: Fiction, Literary, General, Psychological, Language Arts & Disciplines
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then, turning my eye to the door, I saw a pretty, genteel lady, with a footman after her, peeping in with a What's the matter, good folks? to the starers; and I ran to her from behind the compter, and, as she was making off, took her hand, and drew her into the shop; begging that she would be my customer; for that I had but just begun trade.
    What do you sell, Sir? said she, smiling; but a little surprised.
    Tapes, ribbands, silk laces, pins, and needles; for I am a pedlar: powder, patches, wash-balls, stockings, garters, snuffs, and pin cushions--Don't we, goody Smith?
    So in I gently drew her to the compter, running behind it myself, with an air of great dilingence and obligingness. I have excellent gloves and wash-balls, Madam: rappee, Scots, Portugal, and all sorts of snuff.
    Well, said she, in a very good humour, I'll encourage a young beginner for once. Here, Andrew, [to her footman,] you want a pair of gloves, don't you?
    I took down a parcel of gloves, which Mrs. Smith pointed to, and came round to the fellow to fit them on myself.
    No matter for opening them, said I: thy fingers, friend, are as stiff as drum-sticks. Push!--Thou'rt an awkward dog! I wonder such a pretty lady will be followed by such a clumsy varlet.
    The fellow had no strength for laughing: and Joseph was mightily pleased, in hopes, I suppose, I would borrow a few of Andrew's teeth, to keep him in countenance: and, father and mother Smith, like all the world, as the jest was turned from themselves, seemed diverted with the humour.
    The fellow said the gloves were too little.
    Thrust, and be d----d to thee, said I: why, fellow, thou hast not the
strength of a cat.
    Sir, Sir, said he, laughing, I shall hurt your Honour's side.
    D----n thee, thrust I say.
    He did; and burst out the sides of the glove.
    Will. said I, where's thy pruning-knife? By my soul, friend, I had a good mind to pare thy cursed paws. But come, here's a larger pair: try them, when thou gettest home; and let thy sweetheart, if thou hast one, mend the other, so take both.
    The lady laughed at the humour; as did my fellow, and Mrs. Smith, and Joseph: even John laughed, though he seemed by the force put upon his countenance to be but half pleased with me neither.
    Madam, said I, and stepped behind the compter, bowing over it, now I hope you will buy something for yourself. Nobody shall use you better, nor sell you cheaper.
    Come, said she, give me six-penny worth of Portugal snuff.
    They showed me where it was, and I served her; and said, when she would have paid me, I took nothing at my opening.
    If I treated her footman, she told me, I should not treat her.
    Well, with all my heart, said I: 'tis not for us tradesmen to be saucy--
Is it, Mrs. Smith?
    I put her sixpence in my pocket; and, seizing her hand, took notice to her of the crowd that had gathered about the door, and besought her to walk into the back-shop with me.
    She struggled her hand out of mine, and would stay no longer.
    So I bowed, and bid her kindly welcome, and thanked her, and hoped I should have her custom another time.
    She went away smiling; and Andrew after her; who made me a fine bow.
    I began to be out of countenance at the crowd, which thickened apace; and bid Will. order the chair to the door.
    Well, Mrs. Smith, with a grave air, I am heartily sorry Miss Harlowe is abroad. You don't tell me where she is?
    Indeed, Sir, I cannot.
    You will not, you mean.--She could have no notion of my coming. I came to town but last night. I have been very ill. She has almost broken my heart by her cruelty. You know my story, I doubt not. Tell her, I must go out of town to-morrow morning. But I will send my servant, to know if she will favour me with one half-hour's conversation; for, as soon as I get down, I shall set out for Dover, in my way to France, if I have not a countermand from her, who has the sole disposal of my fate.
    And so flinging down a Portugal six-and-thirty, I took Mr. Smith by the hand, telling him, I was sorry

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