Clarissa Harlowe: Or, the History of a Young Lady, Volume 8
up, tapping at the door--Who's at home? cried I.
    That's Mrs. Lovick's apartment. She is gone out, and has the key with
    Widow Lovick! rapping again, I believe you are at home: pray open the
    John and Joseph muttered and whispered together.
    No whispering, honest friends: 'tis not manners to whisper. Joseph, what
said John to thee?
    JOHN! Sir, disdainfully repeated the good woman.
    I beg pardon, Mrs. Smith: but you see the force of example. Had you showed your honest man more respect, I should. Let me give you a piece of advice--women who treat their husbands irreverently, teach strangers to use them with contempt. There, honest master John; why dost not pull off thy hat to me?--Oh! so thou wouldst, if thou hadst it on: but thou never wearest thy hat in thy wife's presence, I believe; dost thou?
    None of your fleers and your jeers, Sir, cried John. I wish every married pair lived as happily as we do.
    I wish so too, honest friend. But I'll be hanged if thou hast any
    Why so, Sir?
    Hast thou?--Answer me, man: Hast thou, or not?
    Perhaps not, Sir. But what of that?
    What of that?--Why I'll tell thee: The man who has no children by his wife must put up with plain John. Hadst thou a child or two, thou'dst be called Mr. Smith, with a courtesy, or a smile at least, at every word.
    You are very pleasant, Sir, replied my dame. I fancy, if either my husband or I had as much to answer for as I know whom, we should not be so merry.
    Why then, dame Smith, so much the worse for those who were obliged to keep you company. But I am not merry--I am sad!--Hey-ho!--Where shall I find my dear Miss Harlowe?
    My beloved Miss Harlowe! [calling at the foot of the third pair of stairs,] if you are above, for Heaven's sake answer me. I am coming up.
    Sir, said the good man, I wish you'd walk down. The servants' rooms, and the working-rooms, are up those stairs, and another pair; and nobody's there that you want.
    Shall I go up, and see if Miss Harlowe be there, Mrs. Smith?
    You may, Sir, if you please.
    Then I won't; for, if she was, you would not be so obliging.
    I am ashamed to give you all this attendance: you are the politest traders I ever knew. Honest Joseph, slapping him upon the shoulders on a sudden, which made him jump, didst ever grin for a wager, man?--for the rascal seemed not displeased with me; and, cracking his flat face from ear to ear, with a distended mouth, showed his teeth, as broad and as black as his thumb-nails.--But don't I hinder thee? What canst earn a-day, man?
    Half-a-crown I can earn a-day; with an air of pride and petulance, at
being startled.
    There then is a day's wages for thee. But thou needest not attend me
    Come, Mrs. Smith, come John, (Master Smith I should say,) let's walk down, and give me an account where the lady is gone, and when she will return.
    So down stairs led I. John and Joseph (thought I had discharged the latter,) and my dame, following me, to show their complaisance to a stranger.
    I re-entered one of the first-floor rooms. I have a great mind to be your lodger: for I never saw such obliging folks in my life. What rooms have you to let?
    None at all, Sir.
    I am sorry for that. But whose is this?
    Mine, Sir, chuffily said John.
    Thine, man! why then I will take it of thee. This, and a bed-chamber, and a garret for one servant, will content me. I will give thee thine own price, and half a guinea a day over, for those conveniencies.
    For ten guineas a day, Sir--
    Hold, John! (Master Smith I should say)--Before thou speakest, consider-- I won't be affronted, man.
    Sir, I wish you'd walk down, said the good woman. Really, Sir, you
    Great liberties I hope you would not say, Mrs. Smith?
    Indeed, Sir, I was going to say something like it.
    Well, then, I am glad I prevented you; for such words better become my mouth than yours. But I must lodge with you till the lady returns. I believe I must. However, you may be wanted in the shop; so we'll talk that over there.
    Down I

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