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Click to Subscribe by L. M. Augustine

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Authors: L. M. Augustine
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frown again. “…why?”
    “No reason. But o kay,” she says, nods, and goes back to studying the car like she’s hiding something on her features. “I think I’ll do that,” she finally says. “If this weren’t a hypothetical, that is.”
    “Now are you going to tell me who this guy is?” I say.
    “It’s no one, I told you.”
    “Yeah, suuure.”
    She smiles and rolls her eyes at me. “All right, fine. You caught me. The guy I’m secretly crushing on is that doughboy from the Pillsbury commercials! I’ve always known he’s hot stuff!”
    “I KNEW IT!” I shout too loudly, and she shoves my arm playfully and we laugh and laugh until the whole night melts away.

    Chapter 7
    from: Sam Green
    to: Harper  Knight
    subject: YOU BETTER COME
    School is over. Our meet-up is in thirty minutes. The first one better have just been a LOLJKJK moment and this one turns out to be real.
    Be there.
    Or else.
    I type up the email as I sit in my dad’s car in our driveway, thirty minutes before I’m even supposed to leave. I’m too excited to wait, though. I write the email jokingly, but really, I’m nervous. I half expect her not to show again, to stop responding to my email and for all this whatever-it-is between us to come to an end, just like that.
    I don’t want that. Hell, I’d rather have anything but that. Harper and Cat are the two constants in my life, the two who I can depend on and lean and not worry about being weird in front of or saying stupid things. I can just talk with them, laugh and be myself and actually, for once, find happiness. It’s like with both of them, we’re in our own little worlds, our special bubbles that there is no way in hell I want to burst. And to lose either of them is like for my whole world to split apart—like it did when I lost Mom.
    I sigh. My therapist, if she knew about Harper, (and if I were still her client—Dad deemed her “unfit” after a few weeks, but we both know it was just because he didn’t want to spend money on me) would probably say this whole internet “love” for Harper is just me reverting back to my childlike state, trying so desperately to fill the void Mom’s death left in my heart with the first positive thing I found, and that ended up to be Harper. After all, I met her only a month after Mom’s death. But the thing is, if she said that, my therapist would be wrong. Sure, that might be how it started, but Harper is no longer just a filler for my screwed-up life; she’s mine. She stole a piece of my heart, a piece of me , and that sure isn’t filler. That’s real.
    I f only I knew when I first started this vlog that two and a half years later, I’d be here, waiting to meet my internet girlfriend for the first time. Another minute passes before my phone finally beeps. I pounce on it and open up Harper’s response.
    from: Harper  Knight
    to: Sam Green
    subject: RE: YOU BETTER COME
    Hmm. I’ll consider coming. I was planning to go on a date with my other internet boyfriend, but maybe I’ll stop by your meet-up too… ;-)
    from: Sam Green
    to: Harper  Knight
    subject: RE: RE: YOU BETTER COME
    Ha ha. And you say *I* do the winky face smiley poorly.
    from: Harper  Knight
    to: Sam Green
    subject: RE: RE: RE: YOU BETTER COME
    OMG BUT YOU DO!!!! It practically burns my eyes out.
    from: Sam Green
    to: Harper  Knight
    subject: Grrr
    *gasp* *ninja stare*
    from: Harper  Knight
    to: Sam Green
    subject: RE: Grr
    Ninja stare?! This is what I mean, Sam! You are an emoticon failure. ADMIT IT.
    from: Sam Green
    to: Harper  Knight
    subject: RE: RE: Grrr

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