Clockwork Captive

Clockwork Captive by Anh Leod Page A

Book: Clockwork Captive by Anh Leod Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anh Leod
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come all the sooner.” She felt the girl’s forehead. Not dangerously hot, thankfully.
    “He doesn’t come for the likes of us,” Ann-Marie muttered. A rustling told Linet she had turned over.
    Linet dashed back to the window. Yes, a rope ladder, just like the ones she’d climbed thousands of times to her father’s dirigible, the Christmas , dangled outside, a little lower now. Ladders had been the staircases of her life until she was seventeen, carrying her from earth to sky, larceny to freedom.
    Who had found her? Her father had enemies, to be sure, but no enemy would be visiting her on Christmas Eve. No one from her old life had crossed her path in all this time. Perhaps her sister Terrwyn had finally reappeared?
    She reached through the window and grabbed the ladder, then frowned. That knot with a gash on the left side looked familiar. One run was painted red, the next, green. Her gaze rose, unbelieving.

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