Cold Heat (Seasons of the Heart #1)

Cold Heat (Seasons of the Heart #1) by LeeAnne White Page A

Book: Cold Heat (Seasons of the Heart #1) by LeeAnne White Read Free Book Online
Authors: LeeAnne White
Tags: Romance
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    There was something about her though, something that was pulling at him like iron to a magnet. Without thinking about it, he followed that pull and stepped up to Kaylie, putting one hand at the nape of her neck, his thumb caressing her jaw, while his other hand reached around and rested on her lower back, pulling her in closer to him, reducing the space that separated them.
    Kaylie’s hands came up to rest on his chest, her fingers splayed across the expanse of muscles as she looked up at Drake through her lowered eyelashes.
    Drake’s eyes, darkened with heat and hooded, focused on her mouth. His mouth was suddenly there on hers, and Kaylie opened her lips to him immediately and without coaxing from him. This was no gentle kiss; this was a claiming of her by him.
    She tasted the cinnamon on his tongue, mixed with the taste that was uniquely Drake. Their tongues alternating between caressing and dueling, Kaylie made a sound in her throat, a sound that Drake swore to himself he would draw from her again. A sound that was one of the most erotic sounds he’d ever heard from a woman.
    Drake changed the angle of the kiss, deepening it and tipping her head back further. He moved his mouth, feathering kisses across to a spot below her earlobe where he kissed and then bit ever so gently.
    Kaylie moved her head to the side, offering herself to Drake and his ministrations. When she moaned again, Drake felt his erection straining at the zipper in his jeans.
    Hooking his hands under her thighs, he lifted her up and carried her backwards to set her on the table. Once he had her settled on the table, he spread her legs apart and stood between them, getting her acquainted to the size of his body. His hands found their way under her sweater to her skin, trailing his hands up her ribs, taking her sweater with them.
    Kaylie was watching Drake through shuttered eyes, her breathing rapid and her face flushed with passion as she reached her hands over her head, allowing Drake to remove the top. Kaylie’s arms automatically went to cover herself; embarrassed to let him see her without her sweater.
    “Don’t,” he said in a guttural tone as his eyes scoured her body, taking in her full breasts that were currently covered by a simple white cotton bra. “You’re beautiful. Don’t hide yourself from me.” Drake stopped when he saw the bruising across her chest and shoulder, a not so subtle reminder of what brought them together in the first place. His fingers lightly traced across one of the bruises, concern creasing his brow before leaning down and pressing light kisses across the bruises. His hands moved to cup her breasts, rolling her taut nipples between his thumb and fingers, eliciting a sigh from her lips. He leaned over and took a nipple in his mouth, moistening it through the simple cotton that covered her while keeping her other nipple in his hand.
    Kaylie was overwhelmed with sensations, her body felt ready to implode. Every time Drake touched her, she heated, and craved more. Her back arched off the table, silently offering more of herself to Drakes skilled mouth and tongue, her hands seeking him, wanting to touch him, to taste him like he was with her. Her hands moved to Drakes nape and into his hair, tugging him closer to her, showing him what she liked. “Please, I need to see you, to feel you, Drake. I need you.”
    Straightening up as Drake pulled his shirt off, Kaylie’s eyes drank him in as he revealed strong, broad shoulders. His sculpted chest was lightly dusted with hair, and that chest hair narrowed into a thin line that drew her gaze further down to lean hips. Her fingers itched to run across his abs, a lovely six pack that was divided by his happy trail. Her eyes trailed lower still before her view was cut off by the faded blue jeans he was still wearing. Jeans that were currently pulled tight across his straining erection.
    Her eyes traveled back up his body taking in scars that were evidence of his time as

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