around and fired chest high into CK. The force knocked CK into the display case, bounced his body back, and he fell face down.
Once again, the all too familiar pink spray misted the air, the smell of gunpowder and blood filled the room. CK's body continued to twitch and squirm. The final dance with death.
"Get the money, JoJo."
While quick to surmise the robbery was a setup, he failed to draw the logical conclusion that there was in fact, no money.
Never had been, never would be.
JoJo came around from covering the young girl and looked at the two bodies. The owner's head was missing a significant portion of its original form. CK was squirming and twitching. JoJo knew death throes when he saw them. He had seen these many times. Still, he was in shock.
Divothead came up to the front of the store, saw the young girl cowering on the floor, and he raised the shotgun...
"What the hell are you doing? Let's go, man!"
"Yo, bitch is a witness; she'll talk to the cops."
"Man, no way, you can't do this."
Divothead aimed the shotgun, JoJo moved in front of him, grabbed the weapon, easily removing it from Ventraglia's hands, swung the butt stock, connecting solidly with the side of his partner's head.
Divothead went down to his knees, clutching his head, looking at his hands, in shock, trying to understand the blood... looking up at JoJo, "What the fuck, motherfucker, I'll fucking do you too," lunging for the shotgun.
JoJo kicked out with his right foot and put Divothead down and out.
Taking the weapon, he walked over to the girl, bent down to her. She was shaking uncontrollably.
She did.
JoJo took the shotgun, went out the front door, as he passed the dumpster, he lifted the cover, pushing the shotgun down under the trash.
Then he ran.
Chapter 13: March 15, 2006, 4:50PM
Interrupting the quiet of the day, three alert tones came over the radio followed by the voice of the dispatcher,
"301, 303, 3S1. Report of shots fired, Kent Farm, Gemini Drive, Black male armed with a rifle, multiple victims, respond Code 3.″
"Three Lincoln One, ″ the voice of Lieutenant Charley Ackerly came over the radio using the call sign for the shift commander.
"Three Lincoln One stand by," dispatch replied, "further info on shooter, last seen...”
The radio became a mess of unintelligible noises as several cars all tried calling at once. Then, momentary silence.
"Three Lincoln One to dispatch you stand by, I am on Gemini now and there is nothing here, nothing, got it, tell those damn cars to slow down, do you still have the caller on the line?"
"All units, from Three Lincoln One, slow down, nothing showing on Gemini. Caller hung up, Lieutenant. No other calls."
"Three Lincoln One, have two units, and only two units respond here and look around. Pull the 911 recording I'll be in the station in five minutes."
Ackerly made one more loop through the parking lots just in case. One of the marked units arrived and Ackerly pulled up alongside him.
More alert tones.
"302, 307, 3S1, Three Lincoln One ″ the dispatcher, one of the good ones, was rattled, "Armed Robbery, shots fired, Cumberland Farms, Taunton Ave at City Hall, witness says two people shot in the head, suspect on foot, east toward Broadway, light-skinned black male, 6 foot, blue-hooded sweatshirt, witness says suspect armed with sawed-off shotgun."
The dispatcher paused a moment, then added, "Three Lincoln One, we are getting multiple calls on this one, suspect running toward Six Corners."
Every cop now knew the first call was bullshit; this was the real one, the other a pathetic ruse.
Chapter 14: Fate in Motion
“Now we get to do some real work, Cheeks, and we are right there." Josh jumped on the accelerator and the car stalled. "Fucking moron city mechanics, can't they even tune a car properly?" Josh restarted the car, headed onto Grosvenor Avenue, and there he was. Josh threw the car into park and was out the door.
The guy in the hoodie
Vaughn Heppner
Ashley Dotson
Gao Xingjian
J.F. Gonzalez, Wrath James White
John Kennedy Toole
Sydney Logan
D'Ann Lindun
Richard Wurmbrand
Cynthia Sax
Ann Lawrence