Come Clean (1989)

Come Clean (1989) by Bill James Page A

Book: Come Clean (1989) by Bill James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bill James
Tags: Mystery
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gone. Total disappearance. He rang a few days ago and we fixed to meet,
but he never shows. So I phone and somebody lifts the receiver and listens but says nothing. Very quiet breather, too. I don’t know for certain, obviously, but I’d say this was not my
man. He doesn’t fool about. Then, almost as soon as I put the phone down, it rings. Naturally, I’m not a listed number, so another mystery. Again nobody speaks. The same master of
understatement? Who knows? I’ve been to have a look at where my source lives but no sign of life. I can’t go asking around there. That wouldn’t be any good for him or me. So, I
don’t know what.’
    ‘Are you going to tell me who it is?’
    ‘He could be fine, I realize that. Maybe gone on a quick job somewhere, one he didn’t know was coming up, or having a break.’
    ‘But you don’t think so.’
    ‘No. He was always reliable. I mean, he’s a villain, so when I say reliable it’s a bit relative. But it was obvious from his call he had worries. Something was happening that
he didn’t like, or was going to. He wanted it stopped. So, he would talk to me, expecting I might talk to someone like you. Obviously, he didn’t know the name of my contact.’
    ‘What do you mean, thanks, for Christ’s sake? That’s only basic, keeping your identity quiet.’
    ‘Thanks, all the same.’
    Jack adjusted his cape. ‘Yes, if I want you to look for him, I’ve got to give you his name, haven’t I?’
    ‘You want me to look for him?’
    ‘Col, he knows something, and it will be big. Always in the past, it’s been important stuff, accurate stuff. We need to know, I mean,
need to know. I haven’t a clue
what it was.’
    Evidently, here was another one who did not talk beyond the basics by telephone.
    ‘And the extra thing; they could have roughed him about,’ Lamb said, ‘I would like to discover whether he’s coughed my name. That could be a hazard.’
    ‘Which they?’
    ‘He runs with Benny Loxton’s squadron. Newish recruit. As I understand it, Benny’s taken on two people lately – this one, and a boy called Lentle. Robert?’
    ‘So, do I know the missing one?’
    ‘I doubt it. He’s small-time, so far. Small-time crook, big-time informant. He’s got no record.’
he’s got no record.’
    ‘I’ve done a check. Obviously. His name’s Justin Paynter.’
    ‘Christ, have the Justin generation reached the age of mature villainy? Remember when crooks were called Bert?’ And Jack. ‘You’re right. I don’t know
    ‘Kid about twenty-four. Slight, pale, dark hair falling across his forehead. Dandified, rather. Tailored suits.’
    ‘Gifted with cars, and Benny’s started letting him do his accounts. He sees a lot. Did. Hear that?’
    ‘Curlew. Lovely cry.’
    ‘You really know how a curlew sounds, Jack?’
    ‘Could have been a woodpecker, I suppose, ratty about all the mud and no trees to get stuck into. Or a flamingo, off course?’
    The rain had eased and they came out from under the roof projection. A few feelers from the early evening sun penetrated the clouds and caught the sea far out, so it gleamed murky red. The tide
was on the way in and Harpur could hear small waves breaking and pushing up slowly, dark and greasy with sewage, towards the wall. ‘An address?’
    ‘Yes, I’ve written it down for you. But we might have a better starting point. There’s a tale around, I don’t know if you heard it, some street incident up near the Monty
a couple of nights ago.’
    ‘Ralphy Ember’s place?’
    ‘Near it. Maybe in it, too. I don’t know.’
    ‘God, remember the old Monty? Top-drawer membership. Now, Ralphy in charge. What incident?’
    ‘I haven’t sorted it out properly, not properly at all. The trouble is, this is another place I can’t ask any questions on the spot. Well, obviously, Col.’
    ‘What incident?’
    Lamb looked out to sea. ‘In its bare, uncompromising way,

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