Savior Part 2: Son of Eden (The Savior Series)

Savior Part 2: Son of Eden (The Savior Series) by A. King Bradley

Book: Savior Part 2: Son of Eden (The Savior Series) by A. King Bradley Read Free Book Online
Authors: A. King Bradley
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unfamiliar symbols imprinted on it. The tail of his long cloak flowed behind him as he approached. He had long flowing silver and white hair and a thick silvery beard that came all the way down to the middle of his chest. He stood around 6’8”, about six inches taller than myself, and despite the fact that his face made him look nearly ninety years old, the bulging muscles that showed even through his flowing cloak made it look like he could easily bench press over three hundred pounds. I could instantly tell that there was something odd about this man, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it.
    “We still have time,” Wells replied to the man, as I stared at him in silence.
    “And what do you hope to accomplish in what little time you have left?” the mystery man scoffed in his booming raspy voice as he dismissively glanced over at me. “This one would not stand a chance against The Greater. You’re a fool, Wells, and you’re praying for a miracle that will not come.”
    I took a deep breath and exhaled as silently as I could as my blood started to boil due to his obvious disrespect. I had no idea of what they were talking about, but it sure sounded like this guy didn’t think very much of me, and it sure was pissing me off.
    “What the hell is he talking about?” I asked Wells as the mystery man continued to disapprovingly stare at me.
    “There is no cavalry coming to help us, Reaper. There will be no united army of Earth to defend us. In the end, only you can save us,” Wells said. “When The Righteous murdered the Galactic Counsel in order to gain dominion over the Andromeda Galaxy, he started a galaxy wide war that rages on to this very day. Even after he was captured and Eden was taken by our allies, his armies continued to fight and they’ll never stop unless ordered to do so by their High King—and that… is where you come in,” Wells continued as he nodded toward the mysterious elderly man.
    “The Righteous may have been captured, but his people still view him as their King. In order to challenge the High King of the Anokian Empire for the Broken Crown, one must first challenge and defeat his protector, the Right Hand of the Crown. Once the challenger defeats the Right Hand he is then, by Anokian law, granted an opportunity to face the High King in combat for the right to rule the Anokian Empire… but to think that you, a degenerate half breed, could accomplish such a task is utterly foolish,” he grumbled.
    “Wells, who the hell is this clown?!” I demanded, glaring at Director Wells as my face grew warm with rage. Normally, I was a lot more respectful of my elders but this guy was really working my nerves with his disapproving stares and condescending remarks.
    “Mind your tongue, boy!” the man growled, flexing his massive forearms as he balled his hands into giant fists.
    “He means well, Reaper. Just calm down, okay?” Wells asked, looking from me to the mystery man. I took a deep breath and nodded my head at Wells as the man continued to glare at me.
    “Reaper, this is Ezekiel, The Elder. In addition to being one of my closest advisors he is also our best source of information when it comes to the Anokians,” Wells continued.
    “Oh yeah? What makes you such an expert?” I scoffed.
    “Because I am Anokian, boy— full-blooded at that. Not some half-blood scum like yourself,” The Elder arrogantly boasted.
    “But I thought they all followed The Righteous?” I asked Wells, doing my best to ignore the man’s derogatory remarks.
    “The Righteous is still my King but my ultimate allegiance is to Eden. It was he who started the Great War and it is because of him that our home was lost. I do what I do now in hopes that we may someday reclaim it.”
    “Look, I know you obviously don’t have any faith in me but just humor me for a moment, will you?” I said firmly to The Elder. “What if I beat him—what if I challenged The Righteous and took the crown? Would I be able to stop

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