Complete Harmony
to button her jeans, so she simply zipped her coat over them. Alex shoved his condom-covered cock into his jeans and pulled them up, deftly snapping them and pulling his coat shut just as a man’s form rounded a thick tree and Josie was blinded by light.
    Her hand went up, palm facing him. “Do you mind? I rather like my vision!”
    “Oh,” he said, dropping the beam. Heavy breath filled the air, a panting that definitely wasn’t her boyfriend. Josie looked down, and in the non-flashlight-holding hand a husky on a leash panted heavily, looking at them . That dog looked really familiar. A little too familiar.
    If dogs could smile, it did.
    “Sorry, folks.” The guy looked to be the age Josie’s dad would be if he were still alive. A bit gr a y, and slim like hers was. Tall, and with a lean runner’s look. His face was guarded, but you could tell he was naturally friendly. He reminded Josie of someone, but she couldn’t see his face.
    “John?” Alex choked out.
    The flashlight hit Alex’s face and he turned away, like something out of an alien abduction movie.
    “Alex! What are you—oh! And Josie!”
    She peered deeper into the dark and realized…
    They’d nearly been caught air fucking by Alex’s stepfather.
    If you could actually see a man blush in moonlit darkness, Alex would have glowed right about then. His hands smelled like Josie . He was still wearing the condom on his rapidly deflating erection . What a day to choose to go commando.
    Don’t laugh don’t laugh don’t laugh , Josie chanted inside, using every muscle at her disposal to keep her face even and neutral. One comment, one joke, one anything and she would crack.
    Like Darla at the TSA counter, she imagined.
    “What are you two doing out here this time of night?” John asked, coming closer, an easy grin on his face. Noi, the dog, came up to Alex and began licking his hand eagerly. Alex snatched it back with a confused, horrified, completely helpless look on his face, and rapidly shoved his hands in his gloves.
    Only then did he pet the family dog.
    “We’re ice skating.”
    Alex had lured Josie here with that promise, and they’d actually had two sets of skates sitting b y the ice, which Alex pointed to, like an errant child lining up his evidence to get out of being in trouble.
    “Oh, nice! Meribeth doesn’t trust her knees anymore, so I can’t get her to come out on the ice with me these days. Next time you guys decide to do this, please let me know. I’d love to join in!”
    Don’t laugh don’t laugh don’t laugh .
    Alex’s eyes were so wide they might compete with the moon for the largest orb in the sky. “Will do, John.” Josie bit her lips and gave one of those smiles where you just pray you won’t turn into a raving lunatic, and John’s eyebrows twitched just the tiniest bit when he looked at her .
    “What are you doing out here?” Josie managed to ask, trying to look polite. She shifted her hip slightly and felt her panties slide down from h e r hip to her knee, a large bunch of cloth that had not just torn, apparently, but been shredded into a pile of uselessness now.
    A pile that threatened to get caught at her jeans cuff and come peeking out. Kind of hard to hide bright red, satin panties, even in just moonlight. Leaning against Alex on that side gave her some safety, so she looped her arm around his waist and hugged.
    Really hard.
    “ We’re only a few blocks from home.” He pointed, and then her eyes took in the road. Now Josie realized where we were—about a quarter-mile from Meribeth and John’s place.  
    Damn. Did that mean Alex knew this alcove would be quiet? Had he planned this?
    “I thought you walk Noi down at the dog park,” Alex said casually, though Josie knew the real message was for her. I didn’t mean for this to happen , he seemed to say.
    But if his mom lived nearby, and he knew about this little place, had he…been here before with other women?
    Suddenly the moon seemed more a

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