Complete Works, Volume III

Complete Works, Volume III by Harold Pinter

Book: Complete Works, Volume III by Harold Pinter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Harold Pinter
anyway, mmnn? It's so clean there.
    RUTH . Clean.
    TEDDY . Yes.
    RUTH . Is it dirty here?
    TEDDY . No, of course not. But it's cleaner there.
    Look, I just brought you back to meet the family, didn't I? You've met them, we can go. The fall semester will be starting soon.
    RUTH . You find it dirty here?
    TEDDY . I didn't say I found it dirty here.
    I didn't say that.
    Look. I'll go and pack. You rest for a while. Will you? They won't be back for at least an hour. You can sleep. Rest. Please.
    She looks at him.
    You can help me with my lectures when we get back. I'd love that. I'd be so grateful for it, really. We can bathe till October. You know that. Here, there's nowhere to bathe, except the swimming bath down the road. You know what it's like? It's like a urinal. A filthy urinal!
    You liked Venice, didn't you? It was lovely, wasn't it? You had a good week. I mean . . . I took you there. I can speak Italian.
    RUTH . But if I'd been a nurse in the Italian campaign I would have been there before.
    TEDDY . You just rest. I’ll go and pack.
    TEDDY goes out and up the stairs.
    She closes her eyes.
    LENNY appears from U.L.
    He walks into the room and sits near her.
    She opens her eyes.
    LENNY . Well, the evenings are drawing in.
    RUTH. Yes, it's getting dark.
    LENNY. Winter'll soon be upon us. Time to renew one's wardrobe.
    RUTH . That's a good thing to do.
    LENNY. What?
    RUTH . I always . . .
    Do you like clothes?
    LENNY . Oh, yes. Very fond of clothes.
    RUTH . I'm fond . . .
    What do you think of my shoes?
    LENNY . They're very nice.
    RUTH . No, I can't get the ones I want over there.
    LENNY . Can't get them over there, eh?
    RUTH . No . . . you don't get them there.
    I was a model before I went away.
    LENNY . Hats?
    I bought a girl a hat once. We saw it in a glass case, in a shop. I tell you what it had. It had a bunch of daffodils on it, tied with a black satin bow, and then it was covered with a cloche of black veiling. A cloche. I'm telling you. She was made for it.
    RUTH . No . . . I was a model for the body. A photographic model for the body.
    LENNY . Indoor work?
    RUTH . That was before I had . . . all my children.
    No, not always indoors.
    Once or twice we went to a place in the country, by train. Oh, six or seven times. We used to pass a . . . a large white water tower. This place . . . this house . . . was very big . . . the trees . . . there was a lake, you see . . . we used to change and walk down towards the lake . . . we went down a path . . . on stones . . . there were . . . on this path. Oh, just . . . wait . . . yes . . . when we changed in the house we had a drink. There was a cold buffet.
    Sometimes we stayed in the house but . . . most often . . . we walked down to the lake . . . and did our modelling there.
    Just before we went to America I went down there. I walked from the station to the gate and then I walked up the drive. There were lights on . . . I stood in the drive . . . the house was very light.
    TEDDY comes down the stairs with the cases . He puts them down , looks at LENNY.
    TEDDY . What have you been saying to her?
    He goes to RUTH.
    Here's your coat.
    LENNY goes to the radiogram and puts on a record of slow jazz .
    Ruth. Come on. Put it on.
    LENNY ( to RUTH ). What about one dance before you go?
    TEDDY. We're going.
    LENNY . Just one.
    TEDDY . No. We're going.
    LENNY . Just one dance, with her brother-in-law, before she goes.
    LENNY bends to her.
    RUTH stands. They dance, slowly .
    TEDDY stands, with RUTH’S coat.
    MAX and JOEY come in the front door and into the room.
    They stand.
    LENNY kisses RUTH. They stand, kissing .
    JOEY . Christ, she's wide open.
    She's a tart.
    Old Lenny's got a tart in here.
    JOEY goes to them. He takes RUTH’S arm. He smiles at LENNY. He sits with RUTH on the sofa, embraces and kisses her.
    He looks

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