Compromising Positions

Compromising Positions by Mary Whitney

Book: Compromising Positions by Mary Whitney Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mary Whitney
Tags: Romance
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the topic, sources from both camps have begun talking. Both sides confirm that Mrs. Grath was dissatisfied with the financial settlement she was offered. Reports have pegged the proposed sum at $4 million—one million for each year of their marriage. Mrs. Grath is apparently requesting $40 million.
    Though the Grath family is hugely wealthy, Michael Grath has fewer assets than his parents, according to his Congressional financial disclosure records, which place his wealth between $50 million and $75 million. It is unlikely that a judge would reward almost a half of his assets to settle a marriage of only four years with no children.
    As negotiations have become more acrimonious, rumors have surfaced that Congressman Grath refused to have children with Mrs. Grath. The couple has sought a blameless, no-fault divorce, so the issue of children has not been raised as a reason for their divorce. That has not stopped unfounded gossip that the Congressman, who as a bachelor always dated women, is actually a gay man who dislikes children. No disparaging comments have been made by the Grath camp about Mrs. Grath. When pressed, a source close to the Grath family merely said, “Stacy Kaninski’s actions and statements in this matter speak for themselves.”
    I flicked the paper shut and slumped back in my cushy office chair. It had been my father’s chair in the governor’s mansion, and he’d given it to me for good luck. I could really use some of that luck now.
    What a rag! I glanced at the newspaper again. The hating kids thing really ate at me. I couldn’t believe Stacy would accuse me of something like that, even if she didn’t say it herself. It was just a little too close to some very private issues of ours.
    Now here I was in Congress with my private life out in the open for all to see. For the rest of the day and every day ahead, I’d be facing my colleagues, many of whom would read the article about me. What would they think? That I was stingy? That I was gay? That I hated kids?
    Jessie came to mind, and I envisioned her with her leg propped up on her sofa, reading the paper. What would she make of such a story? What would she believe? Would she think I was a bad person for implying Stacy was a gold digger? Well, she was a gold digger, but how would someone like Jessie react to it. I cringed. And I hope she doesn’t think I’m gay. I covered my eyes with my hand. What did it matter if she thought I was gay? This had to stop.
    That was when I decided to avoid having anything to do with Jessie. I didn’t want to see her, and I didn’t want to hear about her. I was too depressed. As the weeks went by, I became even more certain it was the right decision. When I did catch a glimpse of her around the Capitol, Alan was often at her side, helping her with her crutches or opening doors. Jessie was always smiling, and the two seemed to talk freely.
    I was bitter. There was no logical reason for it, but it just happened. I bet they never debate a stupid vote. Occasionally, I’d see her without Alan. She’d seem to force a small smile and a wave, but she never stopped to talk. Even though I’d decided to avoid her, I was hurt that the feeling seemed to be mutual. Was I really that repugnant to her? I always walked away dejected, knowing I’d be much happier if I didn’t ever see her at all.

    Over a month later, I still couldn’t shake my attraction to Michael. It wasn’t like I didn’t try. I avoided him as much as possible, and when necessary in order not to be rude, I’d wave “hello” to him and walk away pretending to be busy. He smiled at me, but it always seemed cautious. Apparently, he didn’t trust me, which made me a little bummed. I’d probably come off as such a strident bitch when we had that argument over health care. It was so stupid. Why would I ever think a Republican would agree with me, just because he was a friendly guy? Still, it was better to stay away than apologize where

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