Condemned (Beauty And The Billionaire Geek Book 2)

Condemned (Beauty And The Billionaire Geek Book 2) by E.E. Griffin Page B

Book: Condemned (Beauty And The Billionaire Geek Book 2) by E.E. Griffin Read Free Book Online
Authors: E.E. Griffin
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even doing? I slipped from the couch and tiptoed across the room to look over Billy’s shoulder. He was wielding a sword and shield on a three-dimensional, high definition avatar. We’d never had a game system growing up because we’d been poor and my mom was a hippy. We’d only had one ancient computer that never would have run something like this. I’d never seen anything like it. It was like a real time cartoon or something. It looked kind of fun.
    Billy didn’t notice me standing behind him while he mashed his keys and blood flew from the little green creatures he seemed to be thrashing to death. I trudged back across the room and flopped on the couch, thoroughly bored.  I kind of wished I could play too, but they all seemed to know this other world like it was their own.
    I leaned back on the couch and took out my history text book. Talk about boring. I read my stupid homework while Billy led the raid. Daniel finally started listening to Billy and it seemed to go more smoothly. When they got up from their computers, they laughed sporadically and swayed around in what must have been the nerd version of high fives.
    Finally, Billy walked over and sat down next to me on the couch.
    “We did it,” he had a ridiculously huge grin on his face which seemed disproportionate for the actual achievement of whatever they did in their virtual reality.
    “Congratulations,” I said, not hiding the sarcasm.
    “Hey, let’s go get some food. “
    I pulled my backpack up from the floor and followed Billy out to the scooter. We drove down the street to a sandwich shop and went inside, ordered, and the waitress brought us our food.
    I gazed out the window, out into the darkness.
    “I think I’m going to ask Daniel to help me deign my website. If he’ll forgive me for the AOE thing.”
    “What website?”
    “I never told you?”
    “No. You mentioned it kind of.”
    “I can’t believe I never told you. I got an appointment with an investor already. “
    “Hmm. Awesome,” I said, picking at my sandwich.
    “It’s an integrative social media platform where you can get all of your favorite social media, forums, news, articles, and learn new areas of the internet you might be interested in. You can also meet new people in your area who share your interests.”
    “Sounds amazing.” And it did sound amazing. I had no idea he was working on something like that. I knew he was doing something. But not that .
    I didn’t exactly have low self-esteem, but Billy made me feel like I’d been slacking off all my life.  While I’d been waitressing for the last two years, in a small town diner, Billy had been getting a Master’s degree in computer science, building some kind of innovative social media website, and running a computer tech business all before the age of twenty-two. Not to mention he was an “epic raid leader”.
    I might have technically been better looking than him by conventional standards. I mean, Billy was good looking, but he was thin and had a dorky fashion sense. I looked exactly like the textbook definition of a “hot girl”. Some people might think I was out of his league, but really, it was the other way around. What did I even have to offer this relationships besides my trophy girlfriend looks?
    I knew I wasn’t nearly as smart as he was. Did he just see the pretty face and hot body? I didn’t want to be loved for my looks. I wanted to be loved for me.
    “Tell me why you like me, Billy?” I it let slip from my lips. He looked at me, stunned.
    “You’re perfect. You’re gorgeous. You’re determined and smart. You make things happen in your life. You’re willing to do the hard work to find your dreams. I admire that. I admire you. You also make me feel supremely confident just because you are who you are.”
    “So it isn’t just my looks?”
    His brows drew together, and he put his sandwich on his plate. “Why would you even suggest that?”
    “You’re so much smarter than me. You’re about

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