Connected by the Tide
and abdominal muscles were formed on the skin. Her hips moved out, and she had a steep curve to her back. Her belly button was pierced and a piece of jewelry shone from the light of the stage. Henry felt his cock spring to life while he watched her. Heat flooded his face when he felt his arousal begin. He was ashamed of himself but couldn’t stop the thoughts. He wished he could see her legs and ass under the grass skirt.
    The women left the stage and moved through the rows, taking a spot in front of the people seated at the tables. Ren came to Henry and stood right before him, shaking her hips as she moved in a circle.
    Henry’s eyes widened as he watched her. He wanted to grab her hips and pull her to his lap, but he refrained from doing so. She smiled at him as she danced, arousing him more than he ever thought was possible.
    When the song was over, she glided away and headed backstage.
    Henry was still in shock after the show. “Wow.”
    Nancy smiled at him. “Henry, she’s totally into you.”
    “You should have given her some money,” Derek said. “She probably would have given you a lap dance.”
    “She probably would have done it for free,” Nancy said.
    Henry shook his head then turned back toward the table.
    “See, you’re already getting over Sydney,” Derek said. “That girl left you breathless.”
    Henry said nothing, still imagining the belly button ring she wore.
    The girls came back out and brought dessert and drinks. Henry waited for her to approach his table. He was nervous but excited at the same time.
    Ren carried a platter of cake and passed it around. “You’d better have room for dessert.”
    Henry stared at her, mesmerized by her perfect body and even more perfect face. “Yeah.” He swallowed the lump in his throat.
    She came closer to him. “You like the show?”
    “Yeah. It was awesome. Thank you for the tickets.”
    “Of course.”
    Henry stared at her. “You’re a really good dancer.”
    “Thank you.”
    “Where did you learn?”
    “I just picked up on it.”
    He nodded. “I—I like your belly button ring.”
    Her hand touched her stomach. “Thank you. I like it too.”
    Henry averted his gaze, realizing he was gawking at her.
    “My shift ends at nine.”
    Nancy and Derek both glared at him, silently commanding him to make a move. When he didn’t, Derek kicked him under the table. Henry winced through the pain but didn’t make a sound.
    Ren waited a few seconds for Henry to say something, but she eventually gave up. “Well, have a good night.” Her smile dropped , and she walked away.
    Henry wanted to hit himself. He looked like such an ass. He looked back at his two friends.
    “Seriously, I could punch you right now,” Derek said.
    John looked at him. “What was that about?”
    “It’s a long story,” he said with a sigh. “But it’s better this way. She’s more than perfect. She deserves someone better than me.”
    “You’re such a pussy, Henry,” Derek said.
    “I told you not to talk to him that way,” Nancy snapped.
    “He’s my friend , and I’m trying to get him to man up.”
    “That isn’t the issue,” Henry said. “I have no problem hitting on girls. I just can’t do that to her with these feelings. I feel too guilty.”
    “Well, you’re probably making her feel worse by shutting her down all the time,” Derek said.
    Henry hoped that wasn’t the case.
    “Ooh, there she is,” John said. “Later.” He left the table and searched for the girl he wanted to hook up with.
    Henry was silent for the rest of the e vening, picking at his food even though he wasn’t hungry. When the evening was over, everyone filed out and left through the gate. Nancy went to the bathroom, so Derek and Henry waited for her at the table. When she finally returned, they rose from their seats.
    Henry looked up and saw Ren approach ing him. He felt his heart fall when he saw the anger on her face.
    “Why won’t you ask me out?” she

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