Conquest of the Heart

Conquest of the Heart by R.J. Dillon Page B

Book: Conquest of the Heart by R.J. Dillon Read Free Book Online
Authors: R.J. Dillon
Tags: Drama, Fiction, Romance, Novel, love, Heart, passion, conquest
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toward her office, and Carter return to his. He
wasn’t going to waste one minute.
    Gavin walked out of his office and into
Carter’s. He closed the door behind him. Carter heard the door
close, and looked up. He saw that Gavin didn’t look happy.
    “Hey, what are you doing? Is something
    “How was your lunch?” Gavin asked, in a very
dry tone.
    “It was good. Faith is a very classy
    “Which is why I’m wondering what you’re up
to? You’ve never asked any of these other women out to lunch. Why
    “Gavin, face it. You can’t have them all. You
knew this might happen at some point.”
    “This was not what we agreed to. Faith is not
even your type, Carter. None of the women I’ve gone out with are
your type. That’s on purpose.”
    “Maybe things have changed,” Carter
    Gavin stepped closer to Carter, “Not for you.
I don’t like what you’re doing. She doesn’t fit your mold. I think
you should back off.”
    “Because what you’re doing is so much better.
Treating her like she’s some prize to be won. What will you do with
her when you’ve had your way? Go back to Chandler, or one of your
other women? Do you really think a woman of Faith’s caliber
deserves to be treated like that?” Carter was now standing, making
fists with his hands.
    “What I plan to do is much better than what
you would do. By the way, you don’t have a clue about what I’m
doing, or what I’m feeling. You’re the last person that I would
share that with. I haven’t trusted you in years,” Gavin hissed.
    “That was fifteen years ago, Gavin. I don’t
know what else you want me to do.” Carter was disappointed that he
had brought that up.
    “Sixteen years. I want you to leave Faith
alone.” Gavin was now getting angry.
    “I’m not sure I can do that,” said Carter,
very serious.
    “Then we have a problem.”
    “I guess we do.” Carter didn’t want to lose
his friend, or his job. He couldn’t seem to help himself.
    Gavin opened the door and walked out. He was
pissed. He didn’t want Faith to be at the receiving end of his
anger. This wasn’t her fault. He went back to his office to get
some water before going to speak with her.
    Faith was sitting in her office, listening to
her iPod. Whenever she needed to focus, she ‘plugged in,’ blocking
outside noises from disturbing her. Gavin knocked on her door, but
she didn’t hear him. When she didn’t look up, he saw the cords and
walked in. He walked around her desk and touched her gently on her
    She jumped, looked up, saw Gavin and took her
earbuds out.
    “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you but
you didn’t hear me knock or see me.”
    “It’s okay. I needed to concentrate. Did you
need something?”
    “I just wanted to talk to you about your
presentations,” he said, as he walked back around her desk to sit
    “Okay. What’s up?”
    “I was thinking that we could accelerate our
meetings with your help. Right now, we’re scheduled to discuss one
city a day, except for Fridays. You were able to put your outlines
together for three cities in one night, and we finished about
eighty-five percent our discussion on Nashville this morning,
freeing up our afternoon. If we could add an afternoon meeting,
discussing two cities a day, we could narrow our list down a lot
    “So what are you thinking? What would you
like me to do?” she asked. He liked that she didn’t hesitate. He
let his mind wander for a split second, wondering if she was the
same way in bed. “Gavin, are you there?”
    He refocused. “I’m sorry. I lost my train of
thought.” He sat up a little more straight and answered her
question. “Do you think you can pull information together for, say,
eight cities at a time without working too many late nights, or
over the weekend? I’d be willing to help if it would keep you from
working too much overtime.”
    “Absolutely,” she paused and thought for a

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