Conquest of the Heart
relations for her father’s company, Spring
Entertainment.” He paused and waited for this to register with
    “Your friend in France,” he thought some
more. “Morgan Scott. Faith is his daughter?” Gavin was shocked.
    “I didn’t know that Morgan and Vivian had a
    “So you remember them?” Adrian asked, curious
to know how much he was going to have to explain.
    “Vaguely. I remember meeting them before I
went to college. I can’t recall meeting them before that.” He sat
back in his seat and waited for Adrian to tell him more.
    “You were just a little boy
when we first took you with us to see them. I wouldn’t expect you
to remember that. Faith wasn’t born then.” He looked at Gavin, who
was waiting for him to continue. “I knew that we needed to make
some changes around here, so I went to see Morgan a couple of
months ago. His company is well-known in the community, the media
loves them, and they’ve become the company to work for. They receive thousands of
applications each year from young adults desiring to work there. I
wanted to know how they managed this status. We’re a good company,
Gavin, and we make a lot of money. However, my goal is for us to be
great. Morgan said that he wanted me to meet someone who might be
able to help. Imagine my surprise when Faith joined us for lunch
that afternoon. I was amazed at how much she had grown. The last
time I had seen her was shortly before she herself had left for
college. That was over sixteen years ago.
    “Morgan told me that before Faith joined the
company, they had no community presence, they weren’t involved in
any volunteer efforts, and that the media had not acknowledged
their existence. Faith connected them with the people. She gave
them a reason to discover what Spring Entertainment was all about.
They began to get involved in activities to aid in building the
communities. They donated to, and sponsored, various charities. She
represented them in front of the media, and they absolutely loved
talking to her. Morgan said she was just a natural. He credits her
exposure to various cultures over the years. She has an
appreciation for all races, creeds, and colors. She was like a
light that brightened up their atmosphere.
    “Faith wasn’t planning to move to the states.
Since I had expressed that we had a need for someone with public
relations expertise, Morgan thought she would be the perfect fit.
Sounds like he was right.” Adrian wasn’t telling Gavin everything.
He hoped this was enough.
    “Well, based on her
performance today, I would say you were both right. Our meeting
schedules were structured so that we could discuss one of the
cities we’re looking to expand to each day. I expected it to take
us at least three or four weeks to get through them all. She
already had city facts, contact names and numbers, annual activities, and
potential office sites organized in an outline. She took over the
meeting. I was totally taken off guard. It was incredible.” He
handed him the outline that Faith had prepared. “She has a file
like this for all of the cities we were scheduled to discuss this
    “Impressive,” Adrian said as he looked it
over. “How many cities were you going to go over this week?”
    “Three. Nashville, Jacksonville, and Denver.
I gave her the agenda yesterday.”
    “What?” Adrian exclaimed. “Did she stay up
all night?”
    “She said she didn’t. She says she just knows
how to use her resources.” Gavin smiled, still amazed about it.
    “ When is your next meeting?
I’d like to sit in, if you don’t mind,” he said as he handed the
outline back to Gavin.
    “I thought you would. We’ll be meeting
tomorrow morning at nine. I think we’ll be able to cut our schedule
down to two weeks if it’s going to be this organized. I’m going to
talk to her about it this afternoon.”
    “That’s great, Gavin. I’ll see you tomorrow
morning,” Adrian nodded, smiling proudly at

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