Cooking Up Love

Cooking Up Love by Cynthia Hickey

Book: Cooking Up Love by Cynthia Hickey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cynthia Hickey
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Christian
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more threatening than a fever. Since then, any type of illness in someone Adam cared about sent streams of ice through his veins.
    Only after knowing her one month, Tabby mattered more to him than he deemed wise. His life didn’t allow for a woman to occupy his thoughts and threaten to divert him from his goal. Maybe in a few years, but definitely not yet. His family was as eager as he was to open a restaurant in San Francisco. Adam couldn’t let them down by losing his job. The sale of their farm wouldn’t give them enough funds for the trek west and opening their own restaurant.
    He kicked at a rock in the dirt and decided to go to bed. Even if Tabby wasn’t sick, it couldn’t be a good idea to continue their nighttime visits. His heart ached at the thought of quitting their nightly conversations.
    As head chef, he was blessed to have a room of his own. He bounded up the stairs and closed the door. Inside, he removed his boots and tossed them into a corner before falling backward across the bed. It wasn’t until he made the decision to cut back on his time with Tabby that Adam realized how lonely he really was. It would be worse now that he knew what her company meant to him. He had little in common with the rest of the kitchen staff. Soon, he would try to request time off to make a visit home. For his peace of mind, he needed to see his family.

Chapter 7
    T abby sat on the swing hanging in the garden’s gazebo and tucked her navy skirt under her legs. No longer feverish, she needed the fresh air, and the sun warming her shoulders felt wonderful. She had wanted to go to church, but the simple act of dressing had left her shaking. Most likely, she should have remained in bed. But birds sang outside her window, the sun woke her by kissing her cheeks, and Abigail’s soft murmurs in her sleep had Tabby getting up to enjoy the day.
    A breeze caressed her face as a sparrow chirped. After the rush of the previous month, a time of rest was exactly what Tabby needed. She laid her head against the wood slats and pushed the swing with her foot, dragging the toe of her shoe back and forth in the grass.
    One month ago she had started work as a Harvey Girl. She still hadn’t determined whether or not she liked the job. Before Miss O’Connor’s confession yesterday, Tabby would have said a definite no. Now, she wasn’t so sure. Having Miss O’Connor say Tabby was like her sent fingers of dread down her back. Someday, Tabby might want a family of her own. Maybe.
    Although she was skittish about men, she might be willing to take a chance on one, eventually, because she might want marriage and children. But if she were head waitress, she couldn’t marry. No matter. Tabby had five months to decide whether she wanted to sign on for another six months. No one said she had to be a head waitress someday. Most likely, Tabby would stick with her original plan of moving down the line every six months, meeting new people, seeing new places. And she would try not to be lonely while she did.
    A giggle came from the bushes behind her. Tabby stood. “Abigail?”
    “Shhh.” Abigail’s head parted a juniper bush. Her hair flowed around her shoulders and the top button of her blouse had come undone. “We don’t want to be caught.”
    Tabby put her hands on her hips. “Who are you with?”
    “Josiah.” Abigail slapped behind her. “Stop, I’m talking.”
    “Are you crazy?” Tabby shook her head. “Miss O’Connor will fire you for sure.” The rules were stricter for immoral behavior with men than for merely talking to them. There would be no warning if Abigail and Josiah were found out. Miss O’Connor would fire her on the spot.
    “Not if she doesn’t catch me. Don’t tell.” Abigail winked and ducked out of sight.
    Abigail might be someone Tabby considered a close friend, but she didn’t agree with the girl’s choices. Dawdling in the bushes with a man! As Abigail’s closest friend at the restaurant, Tabby considered it

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