Cosmic Sex
body heat had beckoned her to draw nearer. How could she resist?
    His breathing pattern changed. He inhaled, then slowly exhaled. Nick was awake.
    “Uh... how did you get in here?” he asked.
    She trailed her lips across his back. “I made your door go away.”
    “How... ”
    “Phazer.” She rubbed against him, moaning softly.
    He groaned and rolled over, raising up on an elbow and looking to where his door used to be. “My door’s gone.”
    “An observant earthman.”
    He arched an eyebrow and glared down at her. “Not funny. I want to know where you got that black box and who you’re working for.”
    “Phazer. It’s a phazer and I’m not working for anyone.” She sighed, snuggling her front to his. This was nice—now if he would just quit talking so they could enjoy sex.
    “Stop that.” He scooted away from her.
    “Because.” When she raised an eyebrow, he continued, “I don’t even know who you are or where you come from.”
    “Earthmen are very forgetful. Remember, I’m Kia, from Nerak.”
    “I’m still not buying you’re from another planet. I need more proof than a little black box.” His gaze moved to her breasts, then jerked back up.
    Nick really had a problem with her nudity. “How do I prove to you I’m from Nerak?”
    He snorted. “You’re supposed to be the alien. You tell me. Do you have antennae that come out of the top of your head?”
    “No.” Now he was getting absurd. Her species hadn’t needed antennae for a very long time.
    He looked intently into her eyes. She stared back. “Ever heard of the Russian mafia?”
    “No, but you can explain about this mafia while we have sex.”
    He slid from the bed. “Until I know exactly who you are, there won’t be any... any... ”
    She rolled to her back, parting her legs just slightly. “Any what? Sex? Don’t you want to bury yourself deep inside my body? Feel the heat as it closes around you?” She lazily stretched her arms above her head.
    Nick couldn’t stop his gaze from sweeping over her one more time. God, she was magnificent with her luscious breasts crying out for him to caress... to...
    “Ah... ba... ba... ” Now she had him stuttering and talking as if he was feebleminded. Hell, for all he knew, maybe he was. He cleared his throat. “I’ll be in the bathroom taking a cold shower.” He grabbed a pair of jeans off his dresser and a black T-shirt he was almost certain hadn’t been worn more than once.
    He stopped in the doorway. How the hell had she removed his door without him hearing anything? Oh, yeah, the little black box. Her phazer.
    Did the United States have anything that even came close to this kind of technology?
    With a shake of his head, he continued on toward the bathroom. The next thing he knew she’d be making him disappear. He stumbled, then made a quick U-turn and hurried back into his bedroom.
    He came to an abrupt stop. She had his gun. He swallowed past the lump in his throat. “Put the gun down.”
    “Is that what it’s called? What will it do?” She turned the barrel toward him.
    His life flashed before his eyes.
    “You’re very pale. Are you ill?” she asked.
    “Just put the gun down.”
    She laid the gun on his pillow. He rushed over and scooped it up, then had to sit on the side of the bed before he collapsed.
    “Is something the matter?”
    “Guns kill,” he barked before he could rein in his anger. Her games weren’t fun anymore.
    “Kill?” She sucked in a breath. “It’s an instrument of destruction. In the forbidden archives they tell of these weapons. That’s what killed the men on my planet.”
    “You don’t have men on your planet?” He rolled his eyes. Damn it, he could almost believe her. Almost.
    “Men died in the wars they created. The Elders manipulated the DNA so only girl children would be born in the laboratories. Eventually, there were only females populating Nerak.”
    “Yet you’re not a virgin.” Ha! Explain that. The truth would win

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