Cosmic Sex
her hand in front of the cabinet, then frowned. Finally, she opened the door.
    Odd behavior.
    Taking a glass out, she filled it with water, then took the capsules.
    He forced himself to ease the door shut as she came back into the living room. Damn, she had a killer body. But he didn’t plan on being her next victim. Hell, who was he kidding? He’d already fallen prey to her charms. It was a wonder he was still alive.
    He knelt in front of the door again. He had a perfect view of the sofa bed as she lay down. He swallowed past the lump in his throat when she raised her arms above her head and stretched.
    Cover up! Pull the cover above your luscious, rosy-tipped breasts and put me out of my misery!
    He closed his eyes and drew in a deep breath, leaning his head against the door.
    Don’t think with your dick. Think with your brain.
    When he opened his eyes she’d pulled the sheet up, but then she began waving her arm. What the hell was she doing now? Her forehead puckered as she glared at the—overhead light? Finally, she pulled the sheet over her head and flopped to her side.
    Why the hell didn’t she just get up and cut the light off?
    He continued his vigil, making himself more comfortable in front of the door. Nothing was happening. He even thought he heard light snores coming from beneath the sheet.
    Damn, it’d been a long-ass day. Hell, it’d been a long-ass week as they staked out the bar. It became more difficult to keep his eyes open. They were getting heavier and heavier...
    His head hit the doorknob. He came awake with a jerk, rubbing his injury. What the hell had happened?
    Blinking rapidly, he peered through the keyhole. She’d turned over again. He watched the easy rise and fall of the sheet. She was sound asleep while he was starting to feel like a frigging zombie. He had to get some rest or he wouldn’t be worth crap in the morning.
    He slowly turned the lock on the door, then tested the knob. That should keep him safe long enough to get an hour or so of sleep. He’d deal with Kia in the morning.
    He crawled beneath the sheets, could smell Kia’s scent. It enveloped him in sensuous memories, reminding him what they’d shared. He got a hard-on just thinking of the way her legs wrapped around his waist, drawing him farther inside the heat of her body.
    Ah, crap, it was going to be a long night. He glanced at his bedside clock. No, morning. It was already the next day. And he still had to think about what he was going to tell the captain.
    Great. Just great. The captain was going to chew his ass out royally, and he had the sexiest woman in the next room, naked as the day she was born, and he was afraid she was the reason the bust went wrong. A member of the Russian mafia was probably in the next room. Under his covers—undercover.
    Like Deep Throat.
    Ah, damn, why’d his brain have to go there? He wasn’t even thinking about her ferreting his deep dark secrets. Not that he knew any. Hell, even on a good day he couldn’t remember his driver’s license number.
    At least he was safe for now. He was a light sleeper. If she tried anything, he would be instantly alert.
    Kia snuggled against Nick’s back. Much better than the lumpy pillow and the equally lumpy bed in the other room and the glaring overhead light that refused to go out. She liked his lumps much better.
    Light had started to filter into his room some time ago, but it was softer than the light above where she’d slept.
    She pushed the covers down, needing to feel him against her naked skin. He wiggled closer to her warmth. Her sensitive nipples pressed against his back as her hand moved downward, sliding over his hip, her nails brushing through his pubic hair, grazing his sex, which began to grow firm. She sighed, laying her cheek against his back.
    They were going to have sex again.
    This was good. It had been all she could think about while in the other room. So much that she hadn’t been able to stay by herself any longer. His

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