Cowboy Love
me. I'm not a really picky eater, but I love red meat."
    Giving her a quick, sexy grin, he said, "A girl after my own heart. How about steak?"
    "Sounds good, but I need to shower before we go anywhere. I like the scent of horses, but not on me."
    "All right. I'll take care of them if you want to head back to Chris' place. I'll pick you up in about an hour."
    "I like that plan. I'll see you then." She glanced in his direction as she left the barn, a small smile gracing her lips.
    * * * *
    Chris pulled the little black dress out she had purchased yesterday. "I can't wear that!"
    "Why not? It's gorgeous on you."
    "That's one of those dresses you put on when you are thinking of possibly getting lucky or want to knock the guys' socks off."
    "This isn't your first date, and well, aren't you?"
    "Aren't I what?" Amy said absently, searching through the things she brought for something suitable to wear.
    "Hoping to get lucky or just knock his socks off."
    Her shocked expression must have been hilarious as Chris laughed. Heat curled up her neck and splashed across her cheeks, giving away the secret of her growing attraction to Tanner.
    "I knew it!" Chris exclaimed.
    "Stop, for crying out loud. I've only known the guy for a couple of days."
    "I still think you should wear the dress."
    With a heavy sigh, she agreed. "I didn't bring anything else that seems appropriate. I hadn't expected to be going on a date."
    "I knew you'd see it my way. Here." Chris laughed and handed the dress to her. She took it into the bathroom, slipping the dress over the black bra and panties. She touched up her makeup, splashed on a bit of some of her favorite perfume, pulled her hair up on her head, letting a couple of tendrils tickle her shoulder, and she was ready.
    "Well?" Amy asked buckling the shoes she'd bought as well.
    "I suspect he will be speechless when he sees you. You look awesome!"
    "Thanks, but I'm not doing this to impress him. I don't want to be the pretty thing on someone's arm anymore."
    "Nothing wrong with looking beautiful, Am. Tanner is a simple guy, but I'm sure he appreciates a ravishing woman." They heard the doorbell ring down the hall. "Must be him."
    Her stomach tightened, her heart jumped in her breast and her palms started to sweat. She sucked in a steady breath, pulled the door of the bedroom open and walked down the hall into the living room. Catherine had already invited him in and he stood with his back to her, talking with Robert.
    "Ah, there she is," Catherine said as Amy walked through the doorway. When Tanner turned around, the appreciation in his eyes was worth every minute she had spent in the bathroom.
    Dressed much as he had been the night before at the bar, his starched white shirt had small blue stripes running down the front, pressed jeans and brushed clean boots, along with the standard stark black cowboy hat, he was a sight to be seen.
Damn! He's gorgeous.
    "Wow! You look fantastic!" He quickly walked to her side and tucked her hand into the crook of his arm. "All set?"
    "Yes, just let me grab my purse." She reached over and picked up her small bag from the table as they approached the door.
    "Make sure you have her home by midnight, young man," Catherine said sternly. As both sets of eyes turned in her direction, she laughed. "I'm kidding!"
    The couple smiled and Tanner opened the front door, ushering her outside and closing it behind them.
    Once she sat comfortable inside, she watched from behind the windshield as he moved around to the driver's side, her heart beating wildly in her chest. He swung open the door and slid onto the seat. He started the engine and graced her with a devilishly sexy smile.
    Silence prevailed in the truck as they drove down the now darkening road toward town. The hair stood up on her arms as her heart continued to hammer against her ribs when she thought of being alone with him.
    "What do you want to do after supper?" His voice broke the silence enveloping them. "We could go to Pete's

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