Cowboy Way

Cowboy Way by Cindy Sutherland

Book: Cowboy Way by Cindy Sutherland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cindy Sutherland
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Gay, Western
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squeezed Ryans arms around him before whispering, “Shit.” He stopped Aragorn by the corral fence and let Ryan slide off before getting down himself. He grabbed Ryans hand, pulling him in for a quick kiss, before turning to meet the black-haired tornado bearing down on him.
“Hello, Jen.” He was still holding Ryans hand, not letting him go even when he tried to pull away, seeing the look of fury on the womans face. She was beautiful and angry, and she obviously had something to say to Jake. She looked at Ryan and then followed their arms down to their linked hands, her eyes widening.
“What the hell is going on, Jake? Ive been trying to get a hold of you for two days, and you havent answered. I needed you!” She pouted prettily and pushed her chest out further, trying to force Jakes attention to her rather ample tits. Ryan would have laughed if he hadnt been feeling so sick to his stomach. Did Jake have a girlfriend? He tried to pull away again, but Jake held firm.
“Jen, I told you before, Im not running over to fix your problems anymore. You have a husband for that. I told you a long time ago I wasnt interested in you!”
The woman snorted her derision and sidled closer to Jake, ignoring Ryan, trying to get her body closer to Jakes. “Hes useless, too busy screwing around and gambling to do any work.” She was whining now and not quite as beautiful.
Jake just stepped back, taking Ryan with him, before pulling him closer and putting an arm around his waist. At that, the womans full fury returned. She reached up with both hands, pushing Ryan, trying to get him away from Jake.
“Get the hell away from him, you fucking pervert!” Ryan was shocked and didnt know what to do, but Jake was furious. He let go of Ryan and grabbed her arm, pulling her all the way to her truck. He opened the door and shoved her in.
“Dont you ever fucking talk to him that way again. Dont show up here, and if you step foot on my property again, remember I have a shotgun.” He slammed the door and turned away, striding back to a stunned Ryan and wrapping him in his arms.
He buried his face in Ryans neck, shaking so hard Ryan thought he might break. They both listened as the truck started, and she drove away. Ryan brought both arms around him, holding him tight.
“Ryan, I am so, so sorry. That woman is completely nuts. Even before Mikayla left, she was hitting on me all the time, and after? God, she wont leave me alone. I helped her out a few times because I thought she genuinely needed help, but it turned out she was wrecking things on purpose to get me there. She even went so far as to injure a horse to get me over there in the middle of the night.”
He stood there, breathing in Ryans smell, trying to calm down. The gentle hand running up and down his back was helping. He pulled back and looked into Ryans eyes, afraid of what he would see.
But Ryan was smiling at him, concerned, but not angry. “Its not your fault, Jake. She isnt the first angry female Ive encountered. But, Jake, you know she wont keep this quiet. Everyones gonna know.”
Jake just sighed. “I dont care, Ryan. I never had any intention of hiding myself. And hiding you?” He squeezed Ryan against him, smiling like crazy. “Trying to hide you would be foolish and like trying to hide the sun, with the way you shine.” Ryan was blushing and adorable, and Jake couldnt help the breath-stealing kiss he gave him.
“Why dont you head for the house and the shower while I take care of Aragorn. It wont take me long.” He expected an argument, but Ryan just nodded and gave him a mysterious smile. “Okay, hurry, though!” Ryan kissed him and went to the house while Jake took care of the horse.
It didnt take him long. He walked in the door but was surprised not to hear the shower. He walked toward Ryans room. “Ryan?” He pushed the door open and was hit by the smell of vanilla and musk.
“In here, Jake.” Jake pushed the bathroom door open, and he was sure his heart must

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