Cragbridge Hall, Volume 2: The Avatar Battle

Cragbridge Hall, Volume 2: The Avatar Battle by Chad Morris

Book: Cragbridge Hall, Volume 2: The Avatar Battle by Chad Morris Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chad Morris
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, youth
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basement. The other half of the room in the basement of Cragbridge Hall was now a part of the other side of the world and a century and a half in the past.
    Grandpa found the scene of two men walking down a back street. “Let’s bring you in behind them,” he said. Derick’s pulse quickened. Was Dr. Mackleprank going in? Did those two people not belong in the past? Derick began to understand the situation. But there were two of them and only one Dr. Mackleprank. Maybe Derick could help. He slowly stepped forward toward the past.
    Grandpa continued, “Unlike other situations, let’s leave the connection to the past open.” Usually, after someone crossed into history, it would be safest to turn the keys and close the Bridge through time. That way no one from the past could accidentally step into the future. “Dr. Mackleprank may need to send these trespassers back through at any moment.”
    Derick’s heart beat faster as he watched Dr. Mackleprank approach the line between the present and the past. He was about to see his teacher in action. Sure, it wasn’t in an avatar, but this was better. One-on-two, live and in high-definition color.
    Dr. Mackleprank looked one more time at Grandpa and then stepped into history. Once on the other side, he paused, lifted his arm, and looked at it. It was like he was surprised he could still move and breathe. Derick couldn’t blame him; it must be weird to go back in time.
    And then he was to the task. It was like watching an action movie. Dr. Mackleprank walked up behind the two men, grabbed one from behind, twisted him around, and pushed him straight through the divide of time. It was that fast. The man’s eyes grew larger as he passed through. The briefcase he carried crashed against the basement floor. Luckily, Coach Horne quickly punched the man and he crumpled to the ground. Ow! There is no way Derick ever wanted to be on the receiving end of a blow from a former weightlifting champion. It must feel like a small car had hit your face.
    “Make sure he doesn’t go anywhere,” Grandpa commanded. Derick rushed forward. “Derick, stand back,” Grandpa called out.
    “I just want to help,” Derick said.
    “Not now,” Grandpa replied.
    Coach Horne had already taken it upon himself to stand over the man.
    Derick ran to the back of the room and retrieved the briefcase.
    “And don’t open that briefcase, just to be careful,” Grandpa added, barking orders like the general of an army.
    After the man fell, Coach Horne held him down with a foot on his back. The coach couldn’t be light. Derick was glad he wasn’t that man.
    On the other side of the room, Dr. Mackleprank fought with the second man. The time intruder whirled around, throwing a punch. Dr. Mackleprank nimbly dodged the strike. The man lunged again; not only did Mackleprank block the blow, but struck the man quickly afterward. The battle continued, each man attacking the other. Yet Mackleprank was far superior. Beyond superior. He was amazing. With that kind of body control there was no way Derick could beat him in an avatar race. His moves were powerful, yet graceful, like a dance. He noticed there was almost a rhythm to the doctor’s movements.
    Mackleprank spun into a kick, throttling the man across the backstreet. The teacher picked his opponent up by the collar, threw him through the divide, and then walked back into the basement.
    “Close it,” Grandpa commanded.
    Immediately, Grandpa, Abby, and Coach Adonavich twisted the keys, closing the gap into the past, just in time for a passerby to appear and look into the empty alleyway. Thank goodness he hadn’t seen one man throw another into the future. That could definitely lead to a trip to the psychiatrist.
    They had done it.
    Derick exhaled in relief. And then he realized they hadn’t needed him—or his key—at all.

    Like a Ninja
    Dr. Mackleprank hauled one of the time intruders over his shoulder, Derick carrying his feet. At least

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