Crimson's Captivation
over. The leash dropped to the
ground and was stepped on by a nearby guard.
    Crimson could make out the dry salt trails on
his cheeks. His buttocks were a stark red from the lashings he had
received. She felt for him, wished she could sooth him. She now
understood the warning given by Sena earlier and wanted no part of
this type of punishment.
    A guard approached, placed a choker around
the captive’s neck and led them onto the boat one at a time. Sergen
was taken first, then the guard returned for Crimson. She shadowed
the guard onto the wooden plank and tried to make eye contact with
Kieran, but he never looked in her direction. She stepped onto the
bow, ducked under the threshold of the small door, and was forced
to sit on a bench in the cabin. The rope looped through her choker,
and snaked through a metal loop fastened to the floor. The rope had
little slack and restrained her movement. She could stand but not
fully. She watched as Sena was seated. Then the young man was last.
He winced when his bare bottom touched the wooden bench. No one
said anything.
    She heard cracks of leather whips and the
horses bray and trot off with the empty carriages. A moment of
sadness washed over Crimson as she realized Kieran didn’t even say
    A guard closed the door and said something in
a foreign language, and the small room was in complete
    “What did he say, Sena?” Crimson asked.
    “Tough to translate but basically he said
this is a hearse full of flowers.”
    “Hearse? Are we in danger, are we going to be
    “No. We will be fine. I’m not certain I’m
translating hearse correctly.”

Chapter VII
    ~ What Lies Ahead ~

    Viktor found Caspian’s claim that Princess
Sophia and her court knew of Kieran or the trade rather
distressing. His mind raced faster than his steed as he hurried
toward the castle. Resentment seemed to leech into his soul and
corrupt his thoughts. He had always loved Sophia, now he despised
her—all at the lone suggestion of a horror, a creature that reeked
of rotten flesh, and by all accounts, shouldn’t even be alive. As
soon as he arrived to the stone path leading to the castle doors,
he was shouting Sophia’s name.
    He dismounted his horse before the animal
even stopped—didn’t bother tethering it and pushed open the heavy
door of the palace. “Sophia! Sophia!” Her name echoed loudly down
the marble corridors and doors began to open, as onlookers were
curious of all the screaming.
    Sophia emerged from the parlor room off the
main hallway. “What is it, Viktor?”
    Viktor’s face was flushed with anger and his
tone, normally respectful, was noticeably demanding. He walked
heavily toward her, his steps almost pounding the floor. “Where
would she be?”
    “Who?” Sophia questioned, confused by his
accusatory tone.
    “Crimson. I know of Kieran. I know of the
trade. I know you know where she is.”
    Two guards were already behind him and one
had grasped Viktor’s throat. Viktor felt the tip of a sword dig
into his side.
    Sophia chided, “Your tone, Viktor, is near
that of insolence, I suggest you rethink your tactic.” She nodded
to the guard with the sword and he dug the tip in a bit deeper to
get Viktor’s attention.
    Viktor at once understood. “My apologies,
Princess. But I know of this Kieran and have been told he has taken
Crimson. I implore, please allow me to visit, to explain.”
    Sophia waved the guards off and studied
Viktor quietly. “How do you know this?”
    “A creature named Caspian told me,” Viktor
replied as he examined the small wound in his side.
    She placed her arm around Viktor’s shoulder.
“A creature? Caspian you say? What is it you think you know?” she
asked as she guided him to the parlor room. “Ladies, please excuse
    When the room cleared, she closed the door,
and took a seat near the large fireplace. “Well my young lad, I
have decided to accept your apology and your visit. Now that you’re
a bit more level

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