Cross Country Christmas

Cross Country Christmas by Tiffany King Page A

Book: Cross Country Christmas by Tiffany King Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tiffany King
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
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moment the words left my mouth I wished I could have retracted them. Did I really want to know about Amanda at this moment?
    "Amanda?" he asked, puzzled. "No, we broke up right after you left."
    My pulse felt like it galloped at his words.
    "She married Stan last year."
    "Oh, wow. I thought you guys were serious," I said, trying not to sound as excited as I felt. His words gave me permission to not feel so guilty for enjoying the way it felt to be held in his arms. The heady scent of his cologne swirled around me. I remembered the smell acutely. All through senior year, this had been his scent choice. Thanks to Ms. Garrison's statistics class and her insistence that we sit in alphabetical order, I had to sit behind Grant the entire year smelling it. Memories from back then flooded my mind and I fought the temptation to bury my face in his neck.
    I felt him shrug before he answered. "She wanted things I couldn't give her," he answered.
    Great, he had a commitment phobia. "I'm sure she would have waited until you were ready."
    "I was never going to be ready," he answered.
    Gah, commitment-phobe to the max. All my hopeful feelings from a few seconds ago deflated like a balloon. I wasn't looking for a guy who strings a girl along for four years and then drops her like a hot potato when she wants something more. I get the whole waiting thing, but you had to give a person something. For the first time, I actually felt bad for Amanda. Maybe I had dodged the bullet since Grant was never interested in me.
    "I got it. You're a perpetual playboy," I finally analyzed, looking at the falling snow in front of us.
    "Playboy? You grew up in Woodfalls, right? I'm not sure there are enough women there to be considered a playboy," he chuckled. "Besides, Fran would have my head," he added.
    "How is Fran?" I asked, momentarily distracted. I had fond memories of the woman who owned the small store back home. Where most towns had fast food restaurants where all the teenagers hung out, we had Fran's. She had always welcomed us in no matter how loud we were. She made sure to have our favorite snacks on hand and allowed us to claim the front porch of the store as long as we didn't disrupt the customers coming in and out. The best thing about Fran was that she was never too busy to listen to any of us. I loved my cousin Tressa and we had been close growing up, but once I hit high school, the two-year gap between our ages made it hard for me to talk to her at times. Fran was the only one in Woodfalls who knew about my feelings for Grant. She was my shoulder to cry on, dishing out tissues and advice at the same time. Eventually, I stopped focusing of Grant and told her about my desire to leave Woodfalls so I could meet Mr. Right. Fran was never crazy about the idea and made it her goal to find me the perfect guy in Woodfalls. For months after, I would arrive at her store to find a different guy from school who Fran had somehow convinced to help her with some project she had fabricated. Her plan never worked, but she deserved an A for the effort.
    "She's the same. Causing havoc and flirting with all the men in town her age and some who aren't her age. Of course, she's set her sights on Tressa's friend's dad."
    "What? Brittni's dad came back?" I asked, completely floored.
    "No, not Brittni. Her friend Ashton."
    "Ashton? Why don't I remember her in school?"
    "You wouldn't. Tressa met Ashton when she was in Woodfalls a couple summers ago. She came back last summer to get married over on the James property."
    "Wow, I guess I've missed a lot," I mused, turning my face back around to look at him. I was startled to see he was looking down at me intently. "What?" I asked self-consciously.
    "You have something on your nose."
    "Oh," I flushed, turning my face away from his. I ran my hand over my nose, completely embarrassed.
    "It was just a snowflake," he said, chuckling.
    "Creep," I muttered, swatting at his arm.
    "So, you plan on returning to Woodfalls anytime

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