Crypt of the Shadowking

Crypt of the Shadowking by Anthony Mark

Book: Crypt of the Shadowking by Anthony Mark Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anthony Mark
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I was on my way to pay him a visit when I had the misfortune to cross paths with you.”
    The alley opened onto a larger avenue. Making certain no guards were about, the two headed on foot deeper into the heart of the Old City. The streets were deserted. It was the hour for thieves and murderers. And Harpers and scoundrels, Caledan thought wryly.
    “And what does this Cormik do?” Mari asked softly.
    “You might call him an entrepreneur,” Caledan whispered back. “Then again, you might call him a greedy, self-centered, crooked-hearted swindler.” He laughed quietly. “It just depends on how much you like him … and on whether he likes you.”
    “Sounds enchanting,” Mari muttered. “So how many daggers are we going to get stuck in our backs?”
    “You worry too much, Harper. Cormik and I have been friends for years. If you really want to learn something about the Zhentarim operations in the city, there’s no one better to talk to. If Cormik doesn’t know about it, it isn’t happening.” If he’s still alive, that is, Caledan added to himself. Cormik’s line of business was not without its risks.
    Mari shot him a skeptical look but said nothing the rest of the way. Finally they turned onto the murky, refuse-lined Street of Lanterns. They halted before a dark storefront. The building looked as though it had been abandoned for years, but Caledan knew better. The place was a discreet gambling establishment called the Prince and Pauper.
    “Just follow my lead,” Caledan said jauntily. Before she could reply, he opened the door and stepped through. Mari followed on his heels.
    Inside was a large room. The light of a few torches was mostly lost in the haze of smoke they gave off. The Prince and Pauper was crowded. It appeared this was one establishment that had lost little of its trade since Cutter had become lord of the city. True to the place’s name, nobles in fine but threadbare clothes, opulently attired merchants, and every manner of rabble crowded about the gambling tables, shouting, laughing, or crying as best suited their luck.
    Caledan ignored the gamblers. He spotted a heavy velvet curtain in the back wall and began wending his way through the crowd toward it. Mari followed, a look of disapproval on her face. Caledan reached the curtain and flipped it back. He and the Harper stepped into the quiet hallway beyond.
    “Stop right there,” a huge, bull-necked man clad in crimson leather rumbled. “I don’t know you two, do I?” He stood blocking the hallway with a companion who was similarly dressed and likewise massive. Both wore short swords at their hips, and there was no doubt that they knew quite well how to use them.
    “Name’s Caledan. I’m a friend of Cormik’s. And this here’s my lady, if you know what I mean.” Mari opened her mouth in protest, but Caledan elbowed her hard in the side. She threw him a venomous look but held her tongue.
    “A friend of the Master, eh?” The big man leered down at Caledan. “Well, you’d better hope to the gods that you are. Follow me.” The huge man led Caledan and Mari to a small but plush room.
    “The Master will see you when he has a minute,” he said with an unpleasant grin. “He’s a busy man, you know.” He left the room, shutting the small door behind him. Caledan didn’t have to try the latch to know that it was locked.
    Mari crossed her arms, pacing the small room in agitation. “Now what?” she demanded.
    “Just wait, Harper. Just wait”
    Scant minutes later a key rattled in the lock, and the door opened. A man, who might have appeared nondescript if not for his ostentatious clothes and black velvet eye patch, stepped through, followed by the two muscular bodyguards. “Well, well,” the man said in an oily voice as he examined the prisoners with a critical eye. “So Jad was right. It truly is Caledan the Harper.”
    “Cormik,” Caledan said, smiling broadly. “I knew you’d remember me. I have a favor to ask of

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