Daddy Devastating
her fingers to her lips to stop them from trembling. “Where did they get the baby?”
    “They stole him from his parents, Aaron and Tracy Richardson. And they left a note, warning the parents not to go to the authorities or the baby would be harmed. Thankfully, the Richardsons called the cops and the FBI anyway, because we learned that Milo or his boss intended to sell the child all along—probably by pitting the buyer he thinks he has waiting against what the parents will shell out. The baby will go to whoever pays the most.”
    Julia hadn’t thought this day could get any worse, but she’d obviously been wrong. “My God.”
    “Yes, I’ve been saying that a lot lately myself. People are messed up, Julia, and they do disgusting things. If I don’t complete this sale and get the baby, then Milo will find another buyer, and the little boy will end up being sold. Maybe he’ll get lucky and get good parents. Maybe he won’t. We know from past deals that Milo has been very careful about the buyers he chooses.”
    Julia didn’t feel a panic attack, but her heart broke at the thought of an innocent child being bought and sold. “And if I don’t go…”
    “The meeting won’t happen.” He lifted his shoulder. “Not unless I can somehow reason with Milo.”
    She’d already seen him fail to do that in the alley, when Milo had cancelled the meeting. A cancellation that’d happened because she was there. If she hadn’t chosen this night to approach Russ about Emily, then the stolen baby might have been rescued and on the way back to his parents.
    “How safe will this meeting be?” she asked.
    Russ took a deep breath. “We can set up security in the area to take out any of Milo’s men if they make a wrong move. I don’t think they will. This is about the money. Milo wants the huge middleman fee, and I think he’ll play nice to get his hands on the cash.”
    Julia stayed quiet a moment and gave that some thought. “And what would I have to do?”
    “Maybe just stand there and look beautiful. Which won’t be a stretch,” he added, in a mumble.
    She hated that she felt flattered with that ill-timed compliment. “Then why does Milo want me there if I’m just to be your arm dressing?”
    Now it was Russ’s turn to have a few moments of silent thought. “Could be several possibilities. He might already know you’re a rich heiress. He might think you’re the actual buyer instead of Silas Duran, the agent we have in place for that. Or he might just want you there because he believes it’ll be safer for him.”
    “Safer how?”
    “If Milo suspects this is a sting operation, then he could see you as a shield of sorts. The FBI wouldn’t go in with guns blazing if you’re in the line of fire.”
    “This is a lot to put on you,” Russ continued. “I’ll understand if you say no.”
    If she said no, Julia couldn’t live with herself, but if she said yes, she might not make it through the meeting without a panic attack. Still, she would be there. She would fulfill Milo’s demand, and if she had an attack, so what? It would be humiliating for her, but it might speed things along with Milo. Besides, there really wasn’t a choice here. Julia knew what had to happen.
    “I’ll do it,” she heard herself say. “Just tell me where I have to go and what I have to do.”
    Russ didn’t seem surprised that she agreed. He simply nodded and gave her another of those arm rubs.
    “We’ll know the details of the meeting in the morning,” Russ explained. “For tonight, there’ll be an agent outside your room. I won’t leave until he arrives.”
    “Where’s the stolen baby right now?”
    Russ shrugged. “We don’t know. But I’m sure he’s fine. The deal is to deliver a healthy baby boy to the buyer.”
    That was something at least.
    Julia heard the soft sound. It was barely audible, but it got her to her feet so she could go to the bedroom. Emily was stirring in her crib.
    Russ got up, too, and followed

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