Daddy's Home
that came close to capturing the essence of a woman. “So, Ms. Richards, what brings you to our service?”
    “Actually, a friend of mine suggested it. She said that she had quite a bit of luck with meeting people here.” The woman winked at him.
    “Ah, yes. And who was your friend?” William wondered if that wink meant that she knew something about him and Shannon. He shifted uneasily, making the leather in his chair creak. It took a lot to make William uneasy, but this woman was immediately getting under his skin. What was it about her? Something different than any other woman he’d met before. She exuded a type of power that he didn’t find in many of the clients who came through the door. Oh, sure, there were some who held his interest by their controlling nature. It was fun at times to allow the woman to be in charge. But this Ms. Richards . . . well, it was a different thing than the dominatrix-type control he enjoyed during a full moon. Yes indeed, she did make him uneasy.
    “Shannon McKay.”
    He’d planned on this moment the minute she’d slipped Shannon’s name past her lips inside the reception area.
    “Shannon McKay? I’m afraid that I don’t recall her.” He leaned back in his chair, trying to act relaxed.
    “I don’t know how you could miss her—blonde, beautiful, blue-eyed. And a whole lot of fun, if you know what I mean.”
    “Not really.” Oh, yes, he did. But the vibe he’d been getting, that feeling that this woman was in total control of the situation, had only grown stronger in the course of a few seconds.
    She leaned across his desk. Wow, he could almost see down her dress. She was hot.
    “Oh, I think you do know what I mean.”
    “Well, then, maybe I am in the wrong place. I’ll have to call my friend.” She stood.
    William stood up as well. “Wait. I’m certain that we can find you someone very special here.”
    “Oh, no. I don’t think so. If you didn’t know Shannon, then I don’t believe that you can help me. You see, I know that she met some very nice people here, lots of fun, and she said that she was sure I would have a very good time with those same people.”
    “Why don’t you get names and numbers from her then, if she was, is, so willing to share.”
    “I would do that. However, I haven’t been able to get a hold of her for a few days, and I figure that maybe she’s out of town. And you know how we can all get when we’re feeling a little . . . needy .” She placed her hands on her hips and smiled coyly.
    Yes, he did know that feeling. “I think maybe you’re right. Maybe you should try to reach your friend, because for the life of me, I certainly cannot remember a Shannon McKay.”
    “Fine. Thank you for your time. I may be back.”
    She stood, and William escorted her out of his office. She brushed against him. What did this lady really want? What had Shannon told her? As fine as she was to look at, and as much as William had wanted her when she’d walked into his building, he couldn’t wait to see her go. “I’m sorry we couldn’t be of any help.”
    Ms. Richards waved a hand at him and left the building. Perplexed, he watched her go.
    “You okay?” Darla, his receptionist and his on-again, off-again, asked after the woman walked out.
    “Do you think she really knew Shannon?”
    “I don’t know. But I want to know exactly who she is. I don’t believe she was here for a date.” He left Darla staring at him, knowing that her stupid little mind was spinning. He regretted ever telling her anything about that night with Shannon.
    Ah, the things they had done. Shannon better not have talked to anyone about that night. He’d discussed the consequences of talking about their escapades and what they could mean for her charming little daughter. But Darla didn’t have anything so sweet to be blackmailed with, and she wasn’t nearly as bright as Shannon. He might have to take care of Darla. She could talk if she grew angry

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