Danger (Mafia Ties #2)
fast as they could as she ran to the guards who were running towards us, and the next, I saw nothing but black as something was dropped over my head. Strong arms wrapped around the middle of my body and lifted me off the ground. It felt like I was hefted over somebody’s shoulder and then I was flying through the air, landing hard on my side on a firm, carpeted surface. I heard the roaring of an engine, the squealing of tires, and then I went flying until somebody reached out and pushed me back down. They weren’t the least bit gentle, and I didn’t think for a moment that they’d done it to protect me from harm.
    I opened my mouth to scream, but it came out as a startled yelp when I heard a rough voice in my ear. “I told ‘em ta go after the girl. It seemed only fair since DeLuca cost me a daughter, don’ ya think?”
    Oh, crap. This was really bad.
    “Everyone knows DeLuca is a sucker for his young one, but ya just wouldn’t let me boys get to her, would ya?”
    I felt crushing pain in my wrist as my hand was lifted, followed by a sharp tug on the ring on my finger.
    “Judging by the size o’ this rock, I’m thinking I still managed to catch meself a mighty fine prize.”
    Then I felt the sharp prick of a needle in my arm, and I stopped seeing the black of the hood they’d shoved over my head. I was too busy passing out from whatever they’d shot me up with, the sound of harsh laughter ringing in my ears.

Mafia Ties #3
Coming June 6
    Available for pre-order now!
    I t didn’t take long for Nic DeLuca and Anna Martin to fall in love. The mafia boss and innocent nanny may seem like an odd match, but their devotion to each other is absolute.
    W hen Anna is taken by a rival family, Nic will go to any lengths to rescue her—and ensure nobody touches what’s his ever again.
    P lease note: Nic & Anna’s romance is a three part story, but there are no relationship cliffhangers.

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