Danger (Mafia Ties #2)
my cock, but she was so wet I still slid in and out smoothly. Her cries into my hand became screams, and it was all I could take. Lifting a knee onto the bed, I hit just the right spot and together, we splintered into a million pieces.
    “I love you, mia dolce,” I panted, resting my head on the damp skin of her back.
    “I love you, too,” she answered, with her body still shaking from her climax.
    Our heartbeats calmed, and I helped her remove the ruined lingerie before climbing into bed and cuddling her into my arms. My front was to her back, and I laced the fingers of one hand with hers, setting them across her belly, my pinky finger rubbing idly over her engagement ring.
    I nuzzled into her neck, inhaling her sweet scent. “I can’t wait to lay with you like this, our hand resting over your belly, full with my child.” I slid our hands up to cup one of her large tits, squeezing as I added, “I want to see these spectacular tits grow and fill with milk.” My cock obviously liked the sound of those things too, because he was growing harder. Journeying our hands back down, I took them all the way to her pussy, dipping our fingers inside and finding her drenched. “You like the sound of that, mia dolce? Your pussy is telling me you do.”
    She moaned as our fingers played with her clit. It seemed a crime not to give us both what we wanted, so I took her twice more, filling her to the brim with my seed, and ordering those little fuckers to do their job.
    When I woke to the sight of Gianna’s sexy, naked ass bolting for the bathroom, I smiled smugly. I’d knocked up my woman. Missione compiuta.

Chapter 9
    U gh. I knew I shouldn’t have eaten so much yesterday, but I couldn’t resist my mom’s strawberry-ricotta bruschetta. Boy, was I paying the price for my over indulgence, as I puked so hard it felt like my insides were being forced out of me. I didn’t see any humor in the situation, but apparently Nic did because he was staring down at me with a huge grin on his face. I glared up at him, even as he laid a cool washcloth on my forehead and rubbed soothing circles on my back.
    “This isn’t funny,” I moaned. “I don’t think I’m ever going to be able to eat one of my favorite dishes again after this.”
    “You never know what cravings you’ll have,” he chuckled. “Maybe you’ll get lucky and bruschetta will be the only thing you want.”
    Just hearing the word ‘bruschetta’ was enough to set off another round of puking. By the time I was done, my stomach was completely empty and I was thoroughly drained. Nic cleaned me up, helped me brush my teeth, and carried me back to bed. I tried to focus on why he mentioned cravings and dropped a kiss onto my belly before he left the room, but I was too tired to figure it all out before I drifted off to sleep.
    I woke up a couple of hours later feeling much improved. A little hungry even. When I padded down to the kitchen, I was glad I’d taken the time to dress before leaving our bedroom because I found Sophia there with two of the guards.
    “Morning, sweetie.” I dropped a kiss on Sophia’s forehead and headed over to the toaster to pop a couple of slices of bread inside. “You hungry?”
    “No, Daddy made me pancakes,” she replied, looking up from the picture she was coloring. “He said I should be quiet like a mouse until you woke up because you needed extra sleep, but now that you’re awake I don’t have to be a mouse anymore, right?”
    “I don’t know.” I cocked my head and squinted my eyes at her. “You do make an adorable mouse.”
    “I’m not a real mouse!” she squealed, jumping off her chair. “Just quiet like one and now I want to be loud, loud, loud.”
    “How about we go to the park, and you can be as loud as you want as long as you don’t overdo it and get too tired?”
    “Yay!” she shrieked. “I love the park.”
    “Head upstairs, change into play clothes, and we’ll go as soon as I’ve eaten my

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