Dangerous Waters

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Book: Dangerous Waters by Juliet E. McKenna Read Free Book Online
Authors: Juliet E. McKenna
Tags: Fiction, General, Historical, Fantasy, Magic, Epic, Wizards
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that what you think I’m seeking? Truly, my only interest is honing my magecraft.’ She shifted in her seat to look straight at Ely. ‘Why don’t you spend more time with Flood Mistress Troanna? Master Kalion is the finest Hearth Master we could have but with your own affinity in direct opposition to his, he can only guide your studies so far.’
    Ely’s lusciously painted lips thinned. ‘You look to your own wizardry and I will look to mine.’
    ‘As you wish.’ Jilseth shrugged and ate another mouthful of mutton.
    Ely bit into one of her wafer cakes. Jilseth drank some more wine and finished eating her meal. She was soon rewarded. Ely could no more sit in silence than a brook could flow without chattering.
    ‘You’ve been in Lescar a great deal this past half year, haven’t you?’
    ‘On the Archmage’s business.’ Jilseth raised a hand to summon one of Master Noak’s daughters. ‘A white syllabub, please.’
    ‘The Duke of Marlier has abdicated,’ Ely observed. ‘With the other dukes dead or fled, Master Kalion says Lescar is entirely ungoverned.’
    ‘Lescar is no longer governed by dukes,’ Jilseth corrected her. ‘Since those six noble houses have always paid more heed to their squabbles and rivalries than the welfare of the common folk, the ordinary Lescari consider this a considerable improvement.’
    ‘Until anarchy overwhelms them.’ Ely was clearly echoing Kalion. ‘Until the Emperor of Tormalin sends in his legions to secure peace along his border or Caladhria’s merchants demand the same of their barons and the parliament.’
    Jilseth shook her head. ‘I see no reason to fear anarchy. Those ordinary Lescari raised militias to rid themselves of their tiresome dukes and now their guildsmen and priests and noble scholars are spending this very festival debating how to rule themselves.’
    Ely dismissed that with a scornful gesture. ‘That will end in chaos unless wiser counsel guides them. Master Kalion is sure of it.’
    ‘Master Kalion is offering himself as that wise counsellor?’ That seemed entirely likely. Jilseth could see the Hearth Master gesturing emphatically at Planir. She frowned. ‘But what if Hadrumal’s very involvement prompts Tadriol the Provident to send Imperial legions across the river, or Caladhria’s parliament sends armed baronial envoys to safeguard their interests for fear of wizardly interference? Kalion could end up enmeshed in far more than the Lescari settlement.’
    Ely smiled, complacent. ‘The Hearth Master is equal to any challenge. He has considerable influence with the Caladhrian parliament and many friends among Tormalin’s noble houses. He has spent many seasons persuading the Empire’s great princes that wizards would make valuable advisors and trustworthy partners in their trading endeavours, rather seeing us as mere hirelings to be summoned when a harbour needs dredging or heath fires threaten their timber.’
    Jilseth heard her echoing Kalion’s words again. She decided to remind Ely of Planir’s oft-stated position. ‘The Archmage has always been in favour of magecraft offering every possible assistance to the mainlanders, from humblest to highest. That has no bearing on Trydek’s decree that mainland governance is none of Hadrumal’s concern.’
    ‘Is that so?’ Ely’s sarcasm was biting. ‘Then why have you been travelling the length and breadth of Lescar’s dukedoms, and visiting Tormalin, Caladhria and Relshaz besides? If the Archmage truly has no interest in influencing any settlement in Lescar?’
    Belatedly Jilseth remembered Ely’s superlative scrying skills. Planir often spoke of her potential, if she would only bring that same talent to bear on the magics born of other elements.
    She spread innocent hands. ‘We cannot ignore mainland affairs. The Hearth Master is quite correct, just as Planir honours the Council’s wishes by not involving Hadrumal directly. Who better to discover exactly what transpired on a

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