Dare to Rock
shirt and barely there panties that he, quote, wanted to rip off with his teeth. Her entire body trembled at the memory of his words. Her sex clenched, empty and needy. If he’d been able to walk away from that desire, he had a wholly different agenda … and she didn’t know if she’d survive whatever it was.
    He wasn’t the easygoing Grey she remembered. He was more dominant in his speech, more frank about what he wanted. And that kiss? He’d controlled it and her, until she’d have done anything just to get more of him. But as much as she wanted him, as much as they had in common, she still believed there were too many differences to overcome.
    She had a half a week before she had to worry about dealing with him again, and so she settled in front of the computer to work. On Orgasms.
    She answered some reader questions, going back over the weekend’s posts before turning to today’s blog. She pulled up the comments and began to read, startled and annoyed to find troll comments under a variety of different screen names. Words like skank and whore greeted her, and she immediately deleted them, hoping she’d discovered them before too many viewers had seen them too.
    She didn’t let them get to her. The Internet was full of mean-spirited people who took pleasure in bashing people under the guise of anonymity. She put the insults out of her mind and focused on discussing why the shimmery peach-colored blush worked on so many different skin tones, as well as answering the typical jokes about the product’s name in good humor.
    Before she signed off for the morning, she refreshed the screen one more time to see if she had anything else to answer. The troll comments had returned, coming in heavier than before, this time adding names she wouldn’t repeat out loud alone, never mind in public.
    So bizarre. And annoying.
    She groaned and called her web people, knowing she needed to have them lock things down before the ugliness spread. They had to shut down comments for the day. And the whole mess took up the better part of her morning, forcing her to reschedule a nail appointment with a new salon she had hoped to feature in one of her local postings. Finally, she finished with the web hosting company and hung up the phone, praying they’d fix the site before the end of the day.
    She headed over to an outdoor café for lunch, to meet her sister, Olivia, her sister-in-law, Riley, and her soon-to-be sister-in-law, Meg. When she arrived, the others were already at a table beneath a large umbrella.
    “I’m so sorry I’m late!” Avery said, pausing to give each woman a hug and a kiss before settling into the empty seat between Riley and Olivia.
    “Relax,” Olivia said. “We are. It’s fine. Nobody has to rush back to work.”
    “Yep, summer for a teacher means time off,” Meg, a pretty and very pregnant brunette, said with a relieved smile.
    “I’ve been working less and less hours,” Riley admitted. “I really love being home with Rainey.” She shrugged at the admission.
    Avery grinned. “Your little girl is a handful.”
    Her sister-in-law pulled her long curls behind her and laughed. “Blame your brother for that part of her personality.”
    “And you?” Avery glanced at Olivia. “Don’t you have a job to do?”
    “I can take time to be with my favorite people if I want.” She patted her large belly. “It’s amazing how the men in the office will tiptoe around a deliberately whiny pregnant woman and give in to anything she asks for.” Olivia grinned.
    “You have no shame,” Avery muttered.
    “Can I get you a drink?” a waiter asked Avery.
    She glanced around the table. The girls already had their beverages. “I’ll have an iced tea, please.”
    “So how was everyone’s weekend?” Olivia asked.
    They went around the table, taking turns with their stories. Avery was grateful for the time to get her head on straight and decide what, if anything, she’d tell the women closest to

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