Daring the Duke
craftier at hiding it.

    He touched her hand. "Your skin is cold." He took her hands between his large warm ones, rubbing the tops with his thumbs.

    Craftier at hiding behind ingratiating smiles and tingling caresses. And what tingling caresses they were. His hands lingered too long on her body, fingers stroking the underside of her arm and skimming her sensitive wrists. His thighs kept contact with hers.

    It was both a relief and a disappointment when the carriage slowed to a stop.

    Stephen made no move to rise. Their eyes met, and unexpected warmth surged through her. "Why did you agree to come to the theater tonight?"

    "Pure folly."

    He laughed deeply, and the carriage door opened. He exited and raised his arm to help her down. "Good. The title of the afterpiece has folly in it.
    Must be strange good fortune. Perhaps tomorrow night we might attend Covent Garden and see what title to label the evening."

    She took his hand and stepped onto the street. "I’m not sure that is such a good idea, Chalmers."

    His hand squeezed hers and tugged her forward. "Nor am l."

    She tucked her hand into his arm as they made their way toward the theater entrance.

    "No, l retract that statement. I think it is an excellent idea."

    She snorted. "Of course you would."

    "Where is your sense of adventure, Audrey?"

    She turned to him, a biting reply forming, when she saw the glint of metal. Audrey shoved Stephen forward, following him to the pavement and landing roughly on top of him. A shot echoed through the night, and the crowd began screaming.

Chapter 6
    Pandemonium erupted. Ladies screamed and ran for shelter. Two carriages careened, knocking over a flower stall. The horses reared, spooked by the noise. In one fluid motion Stephen rolled them out of harm’s way and tugged Audrey to her feet.


    There was general chaos as people scattered in all directions, but Audrey saw the burly figures steadily working their way toward them. Stephen must have seen them too because he pushed her to the side of the building, blocking and protecting her.

    Stephen already had a pistol in hand and was peering around the side of the building. People continued running down the street. Screams echoed from scared patrons and street dwellers alike. Another shot rang out and wood splintered above them as Stephen wrenched his head back.

    A determined look on his face, he grabbed her hand and sprinted toward the nearest side street. She kept pace with him but cursed her soft slippers all the same.

    There was no need for him to keep holding her hand, but she didn’t fight it, allowing him to keep the physical contact. His warm hand felt good.
    She hiked her skirt with her free hand as she ran, pinned the dress layers with her arm, and reached under to grab the nearest knife. Stephen looked back and grinned.

    He pulled her into a darkened doorway halfway down one street and tried the knob. It was locked. He fiddled with the latch for a few seconds before it clicked open. Not bad. The man would make a decent thief. He pulled her inside and locked the door.

    Her immediate panic in the darkened room was stilled by logic. The room was small but not overly cramped, and there was a small window overlooking the street. Stephen drew back the shade slightly. She peered over his shoulder, watching a familiar face creep past the window. What the hell was he doing here? And had he seen her in the street?

    "You know who they are." It was a statement, not a question.

    She hesitated only a second before whispering, "Some of them."

    He leaned against the wall of the small room. "Which one of us are they after?"

    "Isn’t everyone after you?"

    "Only your cronies. All my people are chasing you."

    She shrugged although her body was tense. "I’m not the one with people shooting at me."

    "No, but it could be arranged."

    "I’ll keep that in mind, Your Graciousness."

    The sound of the knob being jerked caused Stephen to pull back against the wall and aim

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