Daring the Duke
arm. "Good evening, Maddox. I hope your health improves."

    Although the mention of their female companion produced a mixed reaction in her, Audrey smiled at Maddox’s suppressed rage at being outwitted. They stepped out the door, down the walk, and to the carriage.

    The carriage that held Lady Angelford.

    Audrey held no love for the ton, but did Chalmers truly find it amusing to parade his mistress around town? Wasn’t the rule that you produced an heir and a spare before taking lovers? The Angelfords had barely been wed a year, and she was already traipsing around with someone other than her husband?

    With Chalmers's good looks and charm, he probably had a trail of women scattered throughout England. One in every shire. Each waiting with open arms for him to return. Audrey felt the irrational anger surge through her.
    He could take his seductions and play false with someone else. She had no intention of aiding him in his illicit liaison with his best friend's wife!

    "l feel a megrim coming on, Your Grace. Perhaps your driver could drop you and the marchioness off at the theater, then return with me?"

    "No." The blasé way he uttered it set her teeth on edge.

    "In that case, I refuse to enter the carriage."


    "Listen here, Chalmers, I’m not going to act as a screen for you and your tart."

    He gave a short burst of laughter before hiding it behind a cough. "I’m sure James would be quite displeased to hear his wife referred to as my tart."

    He opened the carriage door, and she peered inside. The interior was empty

    "I thought you said-"

    "l lied. Shall we go?" There was a trace of laughter in his voice. Once again she was surprised by
    this unpredictable man
    She narrowed her eyes but was secretly relieved. Relieved she didn’t have to face the charming woman from whom she had stolen. Relieved that she wouldn’t have to be an accomplice in an illicit relationship.

    Her relief was short-lived. If Chalmers hadn't invited her as a screen, why had he invited her? Her pent-up nerves and righteous indignation changed into awareness and anticipation.

    Stephen was awaiting her answer. She nodded, and he handed her up and inside. Settling himself across from her, she was struck by how different he looked from a year ago when they had been together in a closed carriage. Alive and healthy now, versus pale, unconscious, and near death.

    Stephen smiled. "Guess it is just you and me."

    Her skin tingled. She was alone with him in a dark and luxurious ducal carriage. Alone. And this time he was alert and dangerous.

    "And by the way, Calliope has never been my mistress."

    Audrey was taken aback by the comment. "Maybe not now, but she lived in your house. I saw her with you, even disguised as she was."

    "You saw me with Calliope? You were watching me? How delightful."
    He winked and she almost kicked him. "In any case, it was an act."

    "Why would someone act as a courtesan?"

    He shook his head and smiled. "You’ll have to ask her. She may choose to tell you. I think she likes

    "Uh, right." She was just glad that Calliope wasn’t his mistress now.

    Why did she care? That way led to a bad train of thought. In fact, best to not think of-Chalmers switched sides so that he was seated next to her.

    "What are you doing?" She screeched.

    "I hate riding backward, don’t you?"

    "No. Here, let me ride on the other side."

    He rested his legs up on the other seat and crossed his ankles. "No room."

    He gave her a lazy grin and tilted his head slightly toward her.

    A tingle of awareness coursed through her when he looked at her like that. It was as if she was the only woman in the world, and it was hard to think of much else. The faint moonlight highlighted his blond hair and wicked features. Why had he really sought her out? It wasn’t to pay court.
    That thought was as much a farce as the one they were about to see on the stage.

    In her experience all men were duplicitous; Stephen Chalmers was just

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