Dark Genesis: The Birth of the Psi Corps
Weekly, 6 February 2117 In Senate hearings today, a spokesperson for Random House, Inc., alleged that telepathic literary agents may have done “incalculable damage” to the publishing industry as a whole, urging immediate genetic testing of all licensed and aspiring agents, with stiff penalties for offenders. Overseeing the Committee on Metasensory Regulation, Senator Lee Crawford said, “The implications are clear, and we appreciate the thoughtful testimony from all involved. This matter must be handled with intelligence and sensitivity, but hopefully not until we’re done negotiating the advance for my biography.” The senator later explained that this last was “just a joke.”
    The Boston Globe, 21 May 2117 Thana Neesom of Perth, Australia, today filed suit against her dentist, Graham McKay, D.D.S., for invasion of privacy. McKay-recently identified as a telepath–indignantly denied the allegation that he had “picked Neesom’s bloody brains” while the plaintiff was under general anesthesia for root canal surgery.
    Weekly World News, 15 June 2117 THEY WEREN’T ALONE IN BEDI Ladies, take warning! A young woman from Manchester, U.K. (at her request we withhold her name), recently experienced what might be the worst first date in history-at the hands-and we do mean “hands”-of telepaths. A model student and virgin, Georgia (not her real name) celebrated her twenty-first birthday with some friends at a local nightspot. Noticing that she had drawn the attention of a handsome young man, her girlfriends urged her to break her long bedroom fast. Encouraged by strong drink, the young woman relented to peer pressure and at the end of the night found herself in the young man’s apartment. All seemed to be going well, when-at that tenderest of moments—she heard lascivious groans, moans, and even applause from the next room. On peeking through the bedroom door, she discovered five men and women, whose applause doubled when they saw her. To her horror, she realized that they–and the young man she had been with—were all telepaths, and had all taken part in her sexual initiation, seeing and feeling all in intimate, graphic detail . She had been the victim of a telepathic gang rape!
    Lee sat back in the uncomfortable chair and watched the monitor . DiPeso was just starting his monologue, draped across an antique couch and twirling a martini glass.
    ” … so he says, how does a telepath feed a dog? And I said, pretty well, if you grind him up fine enough.” He sipped his martini languidly as the crowd howled. There were a few boos, but they were of the “what a bad joke” variety.
    “Oh, come on,” DiPeso said, rolling his eyes at the audience. “My ex-wife was a telepath-when I wanted sex she gave me the headache. “Anyway, we have a great big show for you tonight. We’ve got Anna Keck, here to talk about her most recent movie, Arkansas Traveler. Kuan Ping is going to play you his hit song `Zoomorphia ,’ and basketball great Joel Transom will tell us all about slam dunks and sex—or is that redundant?-on the Moon. “But first, we’ll have a word with Senator Lee Crawford, hero of the Grissom colony and head of the Committee on Metasensory Regulation. ” He paused and lifted his martini again, cocking his head thoughtfully. “You know, it’s been said that the senator never met a censoring he didn’t like-but we’ll ask him about that in just a minute, after a few words from your local-“
    “Senator, you’re on in three,” a sprightly young woman in a bellhop uniform informed him.
    “So I am,” Lee said, straightening his collar. The chairs onstage were uncomfortable, too, and Lee had to repress an urge to reach over and tweak DiPeso’s ample nose-or better yet, punch it. Despite … all that, he grinned and extended his hand.
    “Well, Senator. You’ve been quite the man in the news lately. Let me start with the question that surely is preying on all of our minds. Considering that you and

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