Dark Love (The Two Sides of Me Book 3)

Dark Love (The Two Sides of Me Book 3) by Amy Garcia

Book: Dark Love (The Two Sides of Me Book 3) by Amy Garcia Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Garcia
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and exultant “He’s back.” I whisper
    “I know, honey, it’s a miracle.” And it is. We have been given yet another chance to make this right, to have forever together, and nobody’s taking it away from us. This time we will conquer his tumor, his past, and our demons. No more fighting ghosts.
    I don’t take more than two minutes, but when I return I sense the tension in the room immediately. Evan’s temper is simmering, threatening to boil over and scorch anyone within a mile’s distance.
    “What’s wrong?”
    “That fucking nurse, is what’s wrong. She refuses to listen to reason. I need to get out of here. I can go home. I’ve got a fucking hospital in my house for Christ sake!”
    “You think you’re going home? Don’t you think you should think this through a little? I know how much you hate not being in control; believe me I do, but…”
    “Gonna cut cha off right there, lady. I’m going home today, period.”
    Sighing heavily, I close the door and shove a chair under the door handle like I’ve seen in the movies. Hospital doors don’t have locks, so I improvise. I have his attention though. He’s eyeing me carefully as I move to the drawer where the nurses keep their supplies.
    “I’ll make you a deal, I remove some of those things and give you what we both know this is really about and you stay a couple more days to make sure it’s safe for you to be cared for at home, Ok? Ok.” I answer for him and set a few things on the bed. Frankly, I’m a little surprised that worked but I’m still waiting for an argument or some resistance, it never comes.
    I take his catheter out, stop his IV fluids, but leave the access port, in case he needs something intravenously. I also leave the leads on his chest that monitor his blood pressure. The nurses will be in here instantly if that’s turned off. They can see it from the nurse’s station. It takes me less than five minutes to bring him back to thinking rationally.
    Curious eyes follow me while I clear the mess away. “You have barricaded us in, what’s next on your agenda, Mrs. Lawson?”
    “I told you, compromise,” I say with a sly smile crawling onto the bed straddling his hips. “You sure everything’s in working order here?” I say wiggling over his already hard cock.
    “Yes, perfect order.” He takes my hips and thrusts himself upward raising me onto my knees.
    “You’re lucky I did a range of motion exercises all the time while you were unconscious, do you feel weak?”
    Tilting my head, I tease him, but I really did give him a workout three or four times a day, moving his arms and legs to keep him from becoming stiff. In turn, I was usually sore from the effort. I’m not complaining now.
    “Give me that smart mouth,” he growls and raises up to face me, sliding his hands around to cup my ass. He jerks me against his chest and covers my mouth with his. I could do this forever, the feel of his tongue on my lips, tracing and sucking, nibbling and then moving to my ear where his breath warms my skin and raises goosebumps at the same time he whispers, “I love you, Mrs. Lawson,”
    Moaning, I reply “I love you too, thank you for coming back to me,” I breathe nearly panting with need. The ache at the core of my body is so prominent it’s painful to restrain myself.”
    “I will never leave you, baby. Something in your soul always calls me home, back to you.”
    I work at untying the ugly scratchy hospital gown at the back of his neck, ripping it out from between us. I toss it aside to the floor and push him back down on the bed. He lays back with his hands behind his head eating me alive with his eyes. I slide my hands over his defined abdominal muscles one by one savoring the sight of him naked under me, real, alive and alert. My God, this is actually happening.
    The intense pull between us brings tears to my eyes, and I pause to appreciate the moment. He laces his fingers with mine, sensing the depth of my emotion he pulls

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