Dark Promise
    “Luke, I’m just not sure I can trust you again.”
    “You’re not giving me a chance to make it up to you.”
    “I walked into the bedroom and found both of you naked. Diane rode you like she was trying to win the Kentucky Derby.”
    “I told you I was drunk. She seduced me. You mean everything to me.”
    “You never called me after New Year’s.”
    “I was afraid you’d hang up on me.” He shook his head. “I should have known.”
    “Known what?”
    “I saw how you were looking at that guy.”
    “What do you mean?”
    “You looked at him like he was an Olympic skier, sweeping you off your skis.”
    Lilly was right. She was hurling Luke into a dung heap. How could any man live up to the perfect, sensual man in her dreams? Every night she indulged in a sexual fantasy with a man hotter than the hottest romance cover model.
    “Fine. I guess it’s over.”
    “Luke, I’m sorry.” She wished their relationship could have been different, but Luke only approached her after he’d seen her with Eric.
    “Yeah, whatever.” The chairlift approached the top. “Later Cassandra.”
    A lump formed in Cassandra’s throat. If Eric had never skied with her or taken her to lunch, would Luke have approached her?
    She got off the chairlift and skied down the mountain, not caring where she was headed. This time she took her time, trying not to think of Eric and Luke and admire the snow packed peaks instead. She swished past skiers and snowboarders until she got to the middle of the mountain and skied toward the Excelerator lift. One more run before she escaped back to the inn. A deep husky laugh caught her attention.
    Oh, crap.
    Eric was a few feet ahead of her talking to a woman, not just any woman, Diane. Shit, Diane moved on every man she met.
    Diane leaned against Eric’s shoulder and laughed.
    Cassandra blinked back tears threatening to fall. Where was Eric’s conviction of not cheating on his mates? No, this was her fault. She had pushed him away just like she had Luke. She turned to get out, but the crowded lift line prevented her moving and she didn't want people grumbling, drawing either Eric or Diane’s attention. She’d just ride the damn lift, ski down the mountain and go back to the inn.
    Eric and Diane got on the chair lift. Cassandra's stomach tightened as she got on the lift only two chairs behind Eric and Diane. On the lift, Diane sat too close to Eric and leaned her head on his shoulder. Cassandra’s nerves snapped and twanged each time Diane’s flirtatious laughter reached her ears or her hand touched Eric's arm. She wished she could jump off the lift and get away.
    Eric and Diane skied to the left. Cassandra flew out of the chairlift and skied to the right as fast as she could, darting past beginners, children and snowboarders. The wind chilled her and chapped her lips. Despite her resolution not to cry, tears stuck to her cheeks. She’d lost two men in one day. Must be a record.
    At the top of Main Vein, she finally stopped. The last part of the run was always crowded and she couldn’t go at top speed unless she wanted to run into someone and lose her ski pass. She didn’t want to see Eric and Diane on the other side of her.
    She bent her knees to ski down the mountain.
    “Cassandra, wait.” Eric skied up to her. Alone.
    “Oh, Eric.”
    “Are you okay?”
    “Um, yes, I’m fine. Why?”
    With his gloved hand, he touched her cheek. Her heart somersaulted and warmth rushed low, pooling into a throbbing ache in her chest.
    “You’re crying.” He scanned the mountain. “Where’s Kennedy?”
    She rubbed her cheeks on her shoulder and half laughed. “Why? He didn’t do anything.”
    He scowled. “Then why are you crying?”
    Diane pulled up next to Eric. “There you are. I thought I lost you.” She glanced at Cassandra. “Oh, Hi Cassie. Lose something?” Diane’s mission was to seduce or steal any guy Cassandra had. Now, that mission was Eric.
    Not waiting for

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