Dark Recollections

Dark Recollections by Chris Philbrook

Book: Dark Recollections by Chris Philbrook Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chris Philbrook
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smooth gait down the corridor.   I had 20 feet or so to go straight to the four way intersection, then a left to head out to the lobby area with the nurse’s station in it. I made the first 20 feet clean with no contact, but when I took the left I nearly shit myself. Not like the farts I’m dropping tonight, I mean legit underwear filling fecal slippage. The nurse’s station looked like a motherfucking butcher’s table. One of the nurses was slumped in the chair behind the counter, head all the way back with one of the elderly residents just going to town on her neck. You could clearly hear the gristle popping in the dead dude’s mouth as he chewed his way through her throat. Horrible. I noticed that she was wearing the same style of shirt and pants as the woman who got decapitated outside my condo earlier that day. That confirmation kind of felt good.
    Laying on the floor in the middle of the lobby was a younger guy, probably mid 20’s and dressed athletically. He was face down and two more of the older folk zombies were lying on top of him, eating away. It was just gross. The smell alone, even from a solid 15 feet away was sickening. Entrails have a nasty smell. Earthy, a little like vomit as well, with some poo stench mixed in. Add to that the coppery tinge from all the blood and it’s enough to turn any appetite. Certainly almost made me hurl the spaghetti I just ate. Of course as soon as got within 15 feet or so the zombies either smelled me or saw me. I don’t think they can smell, so I think they saw me or maybe heard me.
    The one already standing eating the nurse’s neck was the closest, and quickest to respond. I took a few steps in his general direction and squeezed off two rounds at his head. I remember the first round hit him squarely in the neck and punched a dark hole right where his Adam’s apple was. The second hit him in the nose, and he went down immediately. The other two zombies were pretty much jerked into motion from the sound of the gunshots. They were more or less in a prone position though, and being older, they were slow to get up. Finishing them was easy. A few steps closer, and two 9mm shots put them down for good. I did a quick survey, saw nothing else between me and the glass exit doors, and decided to go back for my haul. Here’s where I made my first few major mistakes of the day.
    I grabbed the box, stuck the Sig back in the holster, and started a slow creep back to the lobby. Hallway was clear for me, just like the first time, but as soon as I made the corner heading out the lobby I was nearly knocked over by the fucking nurse who had her neck eaten apart. I totally forgot to put one in her head before walking away. Somewhat fortunately, the banana box was between me and her when she kinda stumbled against it, and I was saved. I took a few steps back, dropped the box as gently as I could, drew the pistol and popped one in her forehead. She fell so hard that her head nearly came disconnected from her spine. Really jarring visuals, seriously, the image frequently haunts me.
    By that point I realized there was another un-dealt with body in the lobby. The kid. This guy was younger too, so he would likely be quicker and stronger than these older folks. Not that the nurse was old, but she was kind of a big girl, and not that young.
    I made the corner again, this time leaving the box behind so I could deal with the kid. As soon as I took the turn at the four way I could see he was getting to his feet. Coming up slowly, like he was a sore athlete doing push-ups. It was nasty though, because his guts were coming apart underneath him. I made a snap decision to shoot him before he fully got to his feet. I took a few quick jogging steps at him, and drew a bead on the back of his head as he was halfway up. Of course that was when I realized my second great mistake. The gun clicked dry. I was like two feet from this fucking zombie, and my gun was empty.
    Tired now. I’ll finish after my trip to

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