heard her from outside the door. ”Hayden! Out, now!” Oliver immediately swung open our door again. Hayden’s door was open, and from where I sat, it revealed hot pink walls and the side of a tall silver cabinet. Hayden and Felix stepped into view from inside her room. Felix gave Julz a menacing glare that scared me and I couldn’t fight the urge to cringe back a little. Maybe going to Lilly’s wasn’t such a bad idea.
    “Everything okay?” Oliver asked.
    Julz spun around on him and pointed a finger at his chest. “You keep your pedophile partner away from my daughter!”
    I watched as his body tensed and he leveled his face with hers and growled, “My partner, who has kept your daughter safe her entire life, is de-briefing her about your trip like I asked him to do.”
    Her eyes bugged at him as he rose to his full height. She slammed her arms down against her sides and stomped off. Oliver closed the door without another word.
    She was a bitch. There was just no other way to put it.
    Once he was sitting beside me on the bed I admitted that I didn’t feel completely safe with Miss Unpredictable–wow, look at all the names I have for her–around.
    “She won’t come in here.”
    “Why not?” What the hell was stopping her from busting through the door?
    “Because I told her not to,” he stated simply. Then, without even a glance at me, he got up and left the room. Odd…I imagined she was the type to do things because you told her not to do them.

Chapter 7 - Fists Full of Amethyst
    No one but Isaac had made it to dinner that previous night and that sent Julz into another fit of crazies. Oliver told me that he explained to her, like you would a child, that if she doesn’t behave herself she won’t get what she wants. So until then, no one would be joining her for dinner. That hadn’t gone over very well, and it was clear that she was still in a rage the next morning because when I was awakened with a start I realized she was on one of her freakout fits of hysteria again. Can you say drama queen? Spoiled brat, maybe? Deranged lunatic seemed rather fitting.
    I lay there for a few minutes, letting my pulse slow, then I heard the sound that had actually startled me awake. Something so ear-splitting and terrifying that my heart began to race once more because it wasn’t a female scream this time. Was it Carter? Had things turned for the worse? Just then the door was nosed open and Lola padded in and hopped into bed with me. She nuzzled my neck and then settled with her back against me and her head on Oliver’s pillow. I turned onto my side and wrapped an arm around her as I listened. With the door open, it was easier to make out what was going on. There were heated voices, arguing, but nothing that seemed to warrant such a scream. Then, all at once, everything erupted; Hayden shot past our open bedroom door and into her room across the hall, slamming the door behind her. I could hear and almost feel the rage in Oliver’s voice as he shouted at Julz. She seemed to be trying to match his level with her own. They were two of the most frightening sounds I’d ever heard, almost inhuman. Goosebumps covered my skin and I was tensed up with my arm tight around Lola. My body began to tremble with fear as I tried to decipher why they were fighting. I was unable to make out most of what they were screaming and shouting at one another, albeit because most of Oliver’s was in a foreign language I didn’t understand. But I heard loud and clear when she shrieked, “I hate you!” And he returned it with a venomous, “Not as much as I hate you.” She screeched again and the arguing continued.
    I felt a chill work its way up my spine and Lola whimpered. Hayden’s door opened a crack. “Psst, come here.” She waved us over to her room. I slid out from under the blankets, wrapped my fleece around me, then Lola and I scooted quickly across the hall and into Hayden’s

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