Darkness Under Heaven
room anywhere. “How long are we going to be here?”
    â€œThere’s only one answer to that,” said Avakian. “As long as the Chinese feel like it.”
    A moment later the door opened and Commissioner Zhou walked in.
    Avakian stifled a smile and stood to shake his hand. “Commissioner Zhou, what an unexpected pleasure.”
    â€œColonel Avakian, I hope you are well.”
    â€œAs we observe the nations of Asia gather together in an expression of peace and understanding, how can I be otherwise?”
    Commissioner Zhou chuckled softly and turned expectantly to Doctor Rose.
    Avakian said, “Doctor Rose, allow me to introduce Commissioner Zhou Deming of the Ministry of Public Security of the People’s Republic of China. Commissioner Zhou, Doctor Judith Rose of the United States women’s gymnastics team.”
    Commissioner Zhou bent over her chair and took her hand. “My pleasure, Doctor.”
    â€œNi Hao,” she said.
    Commissioner Zhou beamed. “ Ni Hao. How charming. You are a physician, Doctor Rose?”
    â€œYes, I am. An orthopedic surgeon.”
    â€œI congratulate you. My sister is what I believe you would call a general surgeon. Do you come from a family of physicians?”
    â€œNo, I’m the first.”
    â€œAs is my sister. Would it be an imposition if I spoke with Colonel Avakian in private for a few moments?”
    â€œNot at all. Would you like me to leave?”
    â€œCertainly not. May I offer you something while you wait?”
    â€œI believe there’s some tea on the way, thank you.”
    As Avakian went out the door he hoped he hadn’t laid the spy stuff on so thick she’d think the tea contained truth serum or something. And pour it into the plants. Except there were no plants in the waiting room. This was why he always liked working alone.
    Commissioner Zhou led him into a nearby office.
    â€œI hope I’m not taking you away from your duties,” Avakian said. He always liked to begin by reminding the Chinese it wasn’t his first time in the big city.
    â€œYou are not. I have been requested to convey my government’s strong concern over the seriousness of this incident.”
    â€œMy government shares this concern and expresses its thanks to the Chinese government for the speedy resolution of this regrettable matter.” But that was it—it didn’t apologize for the actions of spoiled brat athletes.
    â€œUsually our legal process would take much longer than this. But as a firm advocate of sportsmanship, the Chinese government could not permit an athlete to miss an event, no matter the grave provocation. And I must say that this speedy release is also an expression of our great regard for you. We hope the United States government appreciates this.”
    Commissioner Zhou didn’t need to put that little drone in his voice to make it clear he was reading off a script. But he also gave Avakian a good idea how to nip the whole favor issue in the bud. “I’m very flattered,” he said. “But the U.S. government only cares about you holding one of its citizens. Not about her missing a meet. I know I certainly don’t.”
    â€œYet you are here to retrieve her.”
    â€œI do my job, Commissioner. Just like you. I get the same paycheck whether you decide to keep her or let her go.”
    Commissioner Zhou was now giving him that familiar faint little smile. “Tell me, Colonel Avakian, have you ever played the board game Go? It is our chess.”
    â€œI’ve seen it but I’ve never played it.”
    â€œI suspect you would be good at it.”
    â€œI understand studying doesn’t help much. You have to play the game to get good at it.”
    â€œThis is correct.”
    â€œSounds like fun.”
    Now came that moment when the official business was done and everyone had questions of their own they wanted to ask. Something Avakian stubbornly

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