Day of the Dragonstar

Day of the Dragonstar by Thomas F. Monteleone, David Bischoff

Book: Day of the Dragonstar by Thomas F. Monteleone, David Bischoff Read Free Book Online
Authors: Thomas F. Monteleone, David Bischoff
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and Peter Melendez. General agreement that SP2 double A destroyed by automatic, unmanned defense system accidently triggered. Still no response from within object (code name, Artifact One).

    Second Order of Business: Discussion of security measures (see attached complete report from Security Chief Oscar Rheinhardt).

    Third Order of Business: Announcement of plans to intercept Artifact One with a Deep-Space Probeship as soon as possible. Crew of eight to be launched within thirty-six hours, with three objectives:

    1. Neutralize defensive systems of Artifact One.
    2. Gain access to ship’s interior.
    3. Analyze and determine feasibility of attaching
    continuous mpulse engines to craft to guide it back
    to a geo-lunar synchronous orbit for further intensive study.

    Fourth Order of Business: Selection of crew complement. Duties and suitable individuals selected.

    Mission Command Pilot:
    Douglas Fratz, Lt. Colonel, IASA

    Back-up Astrophysicist/Navigations Specialist:
    Michael Bracken; Lt. Captain, IASA

    Tactical Engineer:
    Ian Coopersmith, Captain, IASA

    Assistant Tactical Engineer:
    Thomas Valdone, Lieutenant, IASA

    Weapons Specialist:
    Dr. Gerald Pohl, US Army

    Dr. Amos Hagar; civilian

    Communications Officer:
    Alan Huff, Lieutenant, IASA

    Dr. Rebecca Thalberg, IASA

    “No,” said Kemp, “I won’t have it!”
    “You were outvoted, dear love,” said Becky, smugly walking ahead of him. She had to go back to her apartment to get ready for the trip, then to her laboratory to select the equipment she needed. She could use this spot of adventure. Get away from the drab sterile Copernicus hallways like the one she walked in now. Get away from Phineas Kemp, and at the same time prove herself to him. Clearly that was what was necessary in this war of love in which they were involved. She couldn’t convince him to play her way, with warmth and vulnerability, intimacy, and sharing. She had to show him that she was his equal in the things that counted to Phineas Kemp, namely ambition, strength of will, and accomplishment.
    Kemp grabbed her arm. “Wait. Will you talk for one minute? There’s still time to change your mind.”
    She swung around to face him. “I’m going, Phineas, and there’s nothing that you can do to stop me! I’m the best-suited person on the moon for that position. And I want it!”
    She paused for a moment, a. bit surprised at Kemp’s expression. It wasn’t stern or demanding. It was actually soft, almost pleading. Since those poor miners had been killed, he’d been like a rock. Hardly a word from him. He hadn’t touched her, and he’d repulsed any efforts she’d made to comfort him, damn him. He didn’t seem to care much that two lives had been lost — only that his plans had been fouled. Becky could understand his preoccupation. What she couldn’t understand was why it seemed to obsess his every waking and sleeping moment, and why he wouldn’t let her share some of the burden. He was a self-sufficient bastard, and he’d rather die than show anyone that he felt human emotions in times of military stress. Even his lover.
    Now, though, there was something like hurt in his attitude. Hurt —and ex treme worry. “Look, Becky. I love you. This has been rough for me. If I had to fret about your safety . . . I mean, this could be a very dangerous mission and . . .” She was astonished. She swept back her hair and stared straight at him disbelievingly. Was he actually showing honest emotion? Had she managed to tug it out of him? “Well, if I’m thinking about your welfare all the time . . .” He glanced away from her. “ . . . I just wouldn’t be able to fulfill my duties here at Copernicus properly.”
    She blinked and dropped her mouth a bit with vexation. Then she spun about and began walking again, faster this time. He was in excellent physical condition, and it only took a moment for him to catch up with her. “Hey! What did I

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