Dead Roses for a Blue Lady

Dead Roses for a Blue Lady by Nancy Collins Page B

Book: Dead Roses for a Blue Lady by Nancy Collins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nancy Collins
Tags: Fiction, General, Fantasy
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somewhere was bound to snap.

    Kitty wiped at the tears oozing from the corner of her eye, smearing mascara all over her cheek and the back of her hand. It made the words on the paper swim and crawl like insects, but she didn't care.
    She loved him. She really, truly loved him. And maybe now, after she did what she had to do to save him, he'd finally believe her. Proof. He needed proof of her love. And what better proof than to rescue him from the clutches of a monster.
    Dearest Judd,
    I tried to warn you about That woman. But you are blind to what she Really Is. She is Evil Itself, a demon sent from hell to claim your soul! I knew her for what she truly is the moment I first saw her, and she knew I knew Her hands and mouth drip blood! Her eyes burn with the fires of Hell! She if surrounded by a cloud of red energy. Red as blood. She means to drag you to Hell, Judd. But I won't let her. I Love you too much to let that happen. I'll take care of this horrible monster, don't you worry. I've been talking to God a lot Lately, and He told me how to deal with demons like her. I Love you so very, very much . I want you to Love me too. I'm doing this all for you. Please Love me.
    Judd woke up at two in the afternoon, as usual. He worked six-to-midnight four days a week and had long since shifted over to a nocturnal lifestyle. After he got off work he normally headed down to the Quarter to chill with his buddies or, more recently, hang with Sonja until four or five in the morning before heading home.
    He yawned as he dumped a couple of heaping tablespoons of Guatemalan into the hopper of his Mr. Coffee.
    Sonja. Now there was a weird chick. Weird, but not in a schizzy, death-obsessed art school freshman way like Kitty. Her strangeness issued from somewhere far deeper than bourgeois neurosis. Sonja was genuinely out there, wherever that might be. There was

    Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( ) something about the way she moved, the way she handled herself, that suggested she was plugged into something Real. And as frustrating as her fits of mood might be, he could not bring himself to turn his back on her and walk away.
    Still, it bothered him that none of his friends—not even Arlo, who he'd known since high school—liked her. In fact, some even seemed to be scared of her. Funny. How could anyone be frightened of Sonja?
    As he shuffled in the direction of the bathroom, he noticed an envelope shoved under his front door. He stooped to retrieve it, scowling at the all-too-familiar handwriting.
    Probably another one of her damn fool love letters, alternately threatening him with castration and begging him to take her back. Lately she'd taken to leaving rambling, wigged-out messages on his answering machine, ranting about Sonja being some kind of vampire or succubus out to steal his soul. Crazy bitch. Sonja was crazy, too, but hardly predictable.
    Judd tossed the envelope, unopened, into the trash can and staggered off to the bathroom to take a shower.

    Sonja Blue greeted the night from atop the roof of the warehouse where she made her nest. She stretched her arms wide as if to embrace the rising moon, listening with half an ear to the sound of the baying dogs along the riverbanks. Some, she knew, were not dogs.
    But the vargr were not her concern. She tangled with a few over the years, but she preferred hunting her own kind. She found it vastly more satisfying.
    The warehouse's exterior fire escape was badly rusted and groaned noisily with the slightest movement, so Sonja avoided it altogether. She crawled, head-first, down the side of the building, moving like a lizard on a garden wall. Once she reached the bottom, she routinely pat-checked her jacket pockets to make sure nothing had fallen out during her descent.
    There was a hissing sound in her head, as if someone had abruptly pumped up the volume on a radio tuned to a dead channel, as something heavy caught

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