Dead Time Series
wouldn’t last long surrounded by
Mauldrin’s troops.
ruffled a small distance away catching Tagen’s attention. A demon. If they
are out here hiding then they must’ve retreated. He could make out his
large bulky shape in the overgrown bushes. Azgiel was left alone or so it
appeared. Looking back to the action, he watched as the silver demon came out
from behind a tree with his axe and cut down one of Mauldrin’s men.
    With a
second swing, the silver demon tried to take Mauldrin down again, aiming for
his head. Tagen was fascinated, but knew he was pushing his luck sticking
around, especially with a demon not too far away.
the silver demon could make contact, Mauldrin waved a hand and with a white
flash, all that was left was a pile of dust floating to the ground.
awoke as Mauldrin and his men circled around him. Tagen could barely see
through a gap of men as Azgiel laid on the ground staring at Mauldrin.
    “Give up
Azgiel, you’ve been defeated. Your evil reign will go no further.” Mauldrin’s
powerful words carried through the woods and Tagen shivered.
    “My evil
reign!” Azgiel shouted. “How dare you accuse me of such nonsense? You’re the
one-” Mauldrin lifted a finger and Azgiel’s voice muted. Standing up, Azgiel
placed a hand on his throat. The men around him drew their swords as he stood.
He looked up at his sword dangling in the air.
    “Don’t do
it, Azgiel. I no longer want to fight you.” Mauldrin sounded calm but stern.
Tagen shifted his weight uneasily, he knew he needed to bolt, but he was
ordered to see what happened before he returned to Triaad.
listening, Azgiel jumped forward. His sword broke from the invisible power that
held it and flew into his hand. Men crowded in front of Mauldrin to protect
him. Five of them blew into pieces as Azgiel sliced through their shields and
swords, cutting right through them. He waved with his other hand, and everyone
flew back except Mauldrin, who stood his ground. Azgiel lurched towards him,
sword ready to strike.
shifted uncomfortably. If Azgiel wins, I’m dead. Triaad will find out I gave
up information. Mauldrin pulled back with both hands as a ball of light
formed in his palms. He leaned forward and the light blasted Azgiel to the
ground. Bands of light wrapped around him and pinned him down. Men came running
to help. One of them lifted his sword and readied it to stab into Azgiel’s
heart. Azgiel closed his eyes, showing he was ready for death.
smiled. His news would make Triaad happy, and rewards would be abundant. Above
all, he wouldn’t be in trouble for revealing the information about Triaad.
Mauldrin shouted and the man froze. “He’s not to be killed.” Mauldrin lifted a
hand and Azgiel’s sword floated back into the air. “Metted boenden entexted.”
His words were strange. Tagen had never heard them before. A deep hole in the
ground opened, and the sword fell into it, closing after it entered.
    “None of
your followers will ever be able to touch that sword. I’ve cursed it with a
curse that will cause any who touches it to be instantly destroyed,” Mauldrin
spoke to Azgiel. Tagen knew he was also speaking to demons and creatures that
were watching. “As for you, Azgiel, trapped in a cell of time for an eternity
should fit you just fine.” Azgiel shifted and squirmed but was unable to loosen
the bands.
glowed around Azgiel and then he was gone. Something moved to the right of Tagen
and he could hear heavy breathing. He turned his head, keeping his body very
still. A new orange demon towered over him, but was oblivious to him lying in
the bushes. His attention was focused on Mauldrin.
    The demon
was too close for Tagen’s liking, so he turned into shadow form. His body had
healed many of the wounds, but he was still in a lot of pain, making it hard to
move or flee. Using extreme caution, he slowly and painfully slipped out of the
area unnoticed. He had to get

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